
  1. 基于EVA的国有资产保值增值指标

    EVA-based Index for the Maintenance and Appreciation of State-owned Assets

  2. 本文引入EVA(经济增加值)概念,认为基于EVA建立国有资产保值增值指标,更能真实地反映国有资产的经营业绩;

    The article introduces the concept of EVA ( Economic Value Added ), believes that the state-owned asset value remaining and increment index system based on the EVA can better reflect the operating performance of state-owned asset .

  3. 国有资产保值增值中存在的几个问题及对策分析

    Analyzing the stabilization and increment of state-owned estate and the countermeasures

  4. 国有资产保值增值机制研究

    A Research for National Assets Keeping Value and Adding Value Mechanism

  5. 军队企业国有资产保值增值审计探讨

    Auditing value maintenance and increment of state-owned assets in army-run Enterprises

  6. 国有资产保值增值指标调整方法探讨

    Research on Adjustment Method of Value Maintaining and Adding Indices for State-Owned Assets

  7. 会计与国有资产保值

    Accounting and value maintaining of state-owned assets

  8. 它既要为改造罪犯提供场所,又要参与市场竞争,追求效益,实现国有资产保值、增值。

    It not only provides place for reeducation , but also takes part in market competition .

  9. 关于高校国有资产保值增值的几点思考

    Meditations on the Value Insurance and Increment in the State Property in Institution of Higher Learning

  10. 积极推行资产经营责任制确保企业国有资产保值增值

    Actively carry out the responsibility system for management of assets , ensure value maintained or added of state-owned assets of enterprise

  11. 使企业自主经营,自负盈亏,实现国有资产保值增值。

    Enterprises can operate independently , assume sole responsibility for their profits or losses and preserve and increase the value of state property .

  12. 检查企业的经营效益、利润分配、国有资产保值增值、资产运营等情况;

    To inspect conditions of enterprises in operating efficiency , profit distribution , value maintenance & appreciation of state-owned assets , and assets operation , etc.

  13. 做大做强国有企业、实现国有资产保值、增值是国资系统监管和发展的首要目标。

    It is the chief goal to make the state-owned enterprise great and powerful and to achieve the state-owned asset increment for national asset system supervising and developing .

  14. 从国有资产保值增值、获得持续性收益和长远发展的角度考虑,论文将该项目的经营设定为整体出租的方案。

    From the aspect of maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets , sustainable benefit and long-term development , the essay sets the project management to an overall rental plan .

  15. 国企改革应当保障职工的主人翁地位,使其承担起国有资产保值和增值的责任。

    The reform of the state owned enterprises should guarantee them position of masters and make them take the responsibility to preserve and increase the value of the state owned enterprises .

  16. 作者认为,积极推行资产经营责任制,是实现企业国有资产保值增值的有效途径。

    The author considers that it is effective way for realizing value maintained or added of state-owned assets to actively carry out the responsibility system for management of assets ( RSMA ) .

  17. 国有资产保值增值的评估测定只能以企业国有净资产的实际价值变动作为标准和依据;

    The standard on the measurement of the hedge and increase of the government assets in value depends on the variation in the actual value of the government assets in the enterprise ;

  18. 加强党建和企业文化建设,巩固先进性教育成果.提高职工生活水平,实现国有资产保值增值,为保持我院的可持续发展而努力。

    To build the CABR culture , to raise the staff 's living level , to increase the value of state-owned property , and to keep the CABR developing in the sustainable way .

  19. 高校资产经营公司是高校科技产业管理体制改革的产物和创新,它的组建将促进高校科技产业规范发展,保障国有资产保值增值。

    The foundation of university assets corporation is the innovative product of the system reform of university property management , which can enhance the development of high-tech industries in the university and ensure the increment of state-owned property .

  20. 土地招标拍卖挂牌出让制度(以下简称土地招拍挂制度)是国家变革土地出让方式,充分发挥市场机制对土地资源的配置作用,保持国有资产保值增值的重要举措。

    Land bid invitation , auction and listing system is an essential action , which reformed land transferring pattern , allowed full play to market mechanism in land allocation , and keep and raise value of state-owned capital .

  21. 《条例》的有效施行还具有推动现代企业制度建设,促进国有资产保值增值和企业技术进步,防止社会不正之风等意义。

    The effective implementation of the " regulation " can also promote the system construction of modern enterprises , help in preserving and increasing the value of state-owned property , promote the technical progress of the enterprise and prevent social malpractice .

  22. 第四部分,以体现国有资产保值增值并实现国有企业自主创新能力的提高为依据,最终构建出了基于自主创新的国有企业负责人业绩评价指标体系。

    The fourth section , with the purpose to reflect the maintenance and increase of the state-owned assets , and the promotion of the independent innovation , puts forwards an Index System based on the performance evaluation of the independent innovation of state-owned enterprise executives .

  23. 铁路运输企业国有资产的保值增值探讨

    Studying the Value Preservation & Increment of State Owned Property in Railway Transport Enterprises

  24. 第四,有助于独立学院国有资产的保值增值、防止国有资产流失。

    Fourth , help to increase the value of state-owned assets and prevent loss of state assets .

  25. 本论文主要研究如何实现该类国有资产的保值、增值问题。论文首先研究了非经营性国有资产的监管模式。

    This dissertation mainly studies how to supervise and manage this kind of state-owned asset . First , this dissertation study of non-operating state-owned assets supervision modes .

  26. 当然,改革的目标是促进我国现代企业法律制度的建立,保障国有资产的保值增值。

    The purpose of China 's reformation , of course , is to build China 's modern enterprise legal system , keep and increment the value of state-owned assets .

  27. 为充分发挥工程效益,实现国有资产的保值增值,总结和推广土石坝加固技术显得十分必要。

    To promote the benefit of projects and achieve the maintenance and increment of the national assets , it is necessary to summarize and popularize the reinforcing technique of earth-rock dams .

  28. 高校设备管理的中心任务是为教学、科研服务,以实现国有资产的保值和增值.高校设备管理要与现代化发展相适应,应该积极运用现代信息技术。

    The main task of management of colleague equipment is giving service to teaching and science research . So we should utilize the modern information technology to adapt to the development of colleague .

  29. 规范经营性用地供应,有利于国有土地资产保值增值、优化投资环境、加快经济健康、持续发展。

    Regulation of the supply of profit-oriented land is beneficial to the increment of the state-owned land , to the promotion of the investment environment , and to the healthy and sustainable development of economy .

  30. 如何建立健全城市土地储备制度,已成为各地政府保证国有土地资产保值增值,提高土地整体综合利用效率和调控宏观土地市场的重要举措。

    How to establish and improve the land reserve system , has become the local governments to ensure increasing the value of state-owned land , improving land utilization efficiency and control the overall land market in macro-important move .