
  • 网络national economic logistics
  1. 本文论述了农业物流在我国国民经济物流中的地位和作用;

    In this essay , I will attempt to present both the importance and function of agriculture logistics in our country 's national economic logistics ;

  2. 文章从湖北交通运输业发展物流的基础设施条件出发,结合湖北国民经济对物流需求的特点,提出了湖北地区交通运输业发展物流的目标;

    The paper puts forward the aim of the development of logistics in transportation industry of Hubei Province according to the Hubei 's infrastructure of transportation and the characteristics of logistics'demands .

  3. 随着国民经济和物流事业的飞速发展,对门式起重机的数量和品种的需求一直保持旺盛的势头,对相应产品的开发质量和速度提出了更高要求。

    With the rapid development of the national economy and logistical business , the requirement for various of gantry crane products has been increasing , and there have been higher demands for reducing product developing time and product design quality .

  4. 随着国民经济的发展,物流业越来越受到人们的重视。

    With the development of economy in our country , logistics should be paid more attention to .

  5. 从国民经济角度看,物流行业占有重要的地位,而在物流配送作业的各个环节中,配送环节是非常重要的。

    Logistic plays an important role in national economy . Distribution is very important among each part of logistic .

  6. 物流业服务于整个国民经济的发展,物流产业的自主创新不仅会促进物流产业的发展,而且会带来整个国民经济的腾飞。

    The innovation of logistics industry will not only promote the development of the logistics industry , but also make the entire national economy take off .