
  • 网络The Elite Theory;Elitist theory
  1. 社会学的功能主义、分层理论、精英理论、社会公平与正义等理论为西部循环经济区的建设提供了理论支撑。

    Functionalism , stratification theory , elite theory , theory of social justice of sociology provides a theoretical support for the construction of the Circular Economy Zone in west .

  2. 哈罗德·D·拉斯韦尔是行为主义学派的先驱者和精英理论的代表人物之一。

    Harold D. Lasswell is the precursor of the behaviorism school and elites theory .

  3. 本文在政策过程理论与精英理论的视角下,主要采用标杆案例(美国对外关系委员会)研究与综合分析相结合的研究方法来探讨国际民间高层智库的建设与发展规律。

    Mainly uses the benchmarking case ( the council on foreign relations ) research and comprehensive analysis with the combination of research methods .

  4. 精英理论的基本命题;精英-大众两分法以及俄罗斯精英学的研究状况与俄罗斯国内对本国精英的认识与分析。

    It includes the source and evolvement of the word " elite ", the formation of elite class , basic proposition of elite theories , elite-mass dichotomy and the present condition of Russian elite research along with the knowledge and points of views the domestic Russians hold towards their elites .

  5. 本文将主要运用精英循环理论和新结构主义社会学家皮奥里(J.Piore)的二元劳动力市场理论以及其它社会分层与流动理论等进行分析。

    The theoretical foundation is made up by the theory of elite circulation , the dual labor market theory by J.Piore , and some other theories like social stratification and mobility and so on .

  6. 精英循环理论视野下的科举制度研究

    Study on the imperial examination system from the perspective of elite circulation system

  7. 伍尔夫接受了以柏格森的纯粹时间为代表的现代主义非理性的时空概念,佐以布鲁姆伯里学派对艺术的精英主义理论,形成了她对物理时空、心理时空的独特认识。

    Shaped by the elitism of the Bloomsbury Group and Bergson 's concept of pure time , Woolf cultivates her own understanding over time and space .

  8. 该部分首先分析了西方公民参与的不同理论派别(包括精英参与理论、多元参与理论、公民参与理论)的基本内容及对我国公民参与公共政策实践的借鉴意义。

    This part first analyses the basic contents of different citizen participation theory distinctions in west ( including elites participation , multiple participation , citizen participation ) and the reference for our country .

  9. 精英人才培养的理论研究

    A theoretical study on the cultivation of the elite

  10. 文章从动态的视角,即精英流动的视角,以精英理论和治理理论为分析框架,对现阶段我国人口流出地区的乡村治理现状,进行政治社会学的分析。

    With the dynamic perspective , that is , the perspective of elite mobility , the essay analyzes the governance of rural areas where suffering from the population outflow .

  11. 农村社区精英的变动主要有精英循环理论和精英再生产理论,然而实地调查发现,社区精英的变动既有新精英对旧精英的替代,又有旧精英集团内部的差异和转换。

    There are theory of elite reproduction and theory of elite circulation . According to the research , there are replacement of old community elites with new ones and the inner difference and transition of old community elites group .