
  • 网络educational products
  1. 高专教育产品面临的市场问题及其原因与对策

    The Causes and the Countermeasures of Market Problems Faced by Universities Educational Products

  2. 论教育产品的生产经营

    On the production and management of the educational products

  3. 这项考试爆炸式增长本身映射出了MBA学位一路看涨、蔚为壮观的受欢迎程度。MBA学位可以说是战后最成功的教育产品。

    The growth of the test itself mirrors the spectacular rise in popularity of the MBA degree , arguably the most successful educational product of the post-war period .

  4. 浅论公共财政框架下教育产品属性

    On the Education Product Property Under the Frame of Public Finance

  5. 湖南省普通高等教育产品专业差异化定价问题

    On the Major Differentiation Pricing of Higher Education Product in Hunan Province

  6. 对思想政治教育产品的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis on the Product of Ideological and Political Education

  7. 教育产品的属性与政府职能的调整

    The Economic Nature of Education and the Adjustment of the Governmental Function

  8. 不同层次类型教育产品的属性存在差异。

    The economic natures of different level and type education are different .

  9. 论高等教育产品和服务的整体质量

    On the Whole Combination Quality of the Production and Service of Higher Education

  10. 市场经济环境下高校体育教育产品的生产与营销

    The Production and Sales of University Sports " Products " in Market Economy

  11. 教育产品属性的公共性或准公共性决定了政府应承担提供教育服务的责任。

    The publicity and quasi-publicity of education require the government provide the education .

  12. 培育软件工程师&ACCP教育产品分析

    Cultivate Software Engineer & Analysis on ACCP Education Product

  13. 教育产品供求变化及其价格决定

    Supply-demand Change and Price Determination of Educational Product

  14. 现在,中国是世界最大的数字英语教育产品市场。

    China is now the worlds largest market for digital English language learning products .

  15. 迈克尔是对的,这正是我在寻找的教育产品。

    Mike was right . It was the educational product I had been looking for .

  16. 我国非义务教育产品供给中政府职能研究

    Study of the Government 's Functions on the Supply of Non-compulsory Education Product of China

  17. 高校财务风险诊断研究&基于高等教育产品的视角

    Diagnosis of University 's Financial Risk & On the Basis of the Higher Education Products

  18. 教育产品观刍议

    My humble opinions on educational product view

  19. 多维需求背景下高职教育产品营销研究

    The Study on the Product Marketing of Higher Vocational Education under the Background of Multi-Dimension Demands

  20. 由于高等教育产品的准公共性,政府要承担主要的财政责任。

    As the quasi-public higher education products , the government must bear the primary financial responsibility .

  21. 本文对教育产品和服务做出了厘定,并提出两种分支领域的结构;

    This article defines education goods and services , and outlines the structure of the two sub-sectors ;

  22. 高等教育产品供求调节与民办高校收费

    Regulation of Supply and Demand of Higher Education Product and Collection of Fees by Private Higher Education Institutions

  23. 网络教育产品不同一般商品,其本质是网络教育服务。

    Distance education product is not as same as common commodities , which essence is the distance education service .

  24. 俞敏洪承认,新东方需要改进其教育产品,以便在竞争中保持领跑地位。

    Mr Yu recognises that New Oriental needs to adapt its educational offering to stay ahead of the competition .

  25. 教育产品也显示出质量的欠缺。建立高等医学教育质量保证体系已是国外高等医学教育质量保证的通行做法。

    Establlsing the quality assurance system for higher education of medical science is a well-known practice in the world .

  26. 数字化与设计美学&谈设计美学的量化教育产品语意学在设计中的应用

    Digitalization and Design Aesthetics & A Study of Quantitative Education in Design Aesthetics Application of Product Semantics in Design

  27. 从分析职业教育产品的特征出发,确定学生应具备的职业素质与职业能力;

    Secondly , students ' vocational quality and ability should be confirmed by analyzing characteristics of vocational education products .

  28. 在公共财政体制下,高等教育产品供给方式应实行政府主导的混合提供方式。

    This paper first puts forward that higher education expenditure should be provided through a mixed government dominant model .

  29. 学校作为教育产品的提供者,对教育服务的质量起着直接的决定性的作用。

    As the provider of educational products , the university plays a deciding part in the quality of educational service .

  30. 同时教育产品的供给与需求之间出现了结构上的不平衡,也是影响大学生就业的主要因素。

    Meanwhile , the imbalance between the supply and demand of educational products is another main factor for the employment difficulty .