
  • 网络technology product;technical product
  1. DITA代表了一个技术产品内容的信息模型。

    DITA represents an information model for technical product content .

  2. 对于不准备长期维护的某种类型的项目或交付品,选择直接在HTML中创作技术产品内容这条快捷但讨厌的路径可能是合理的。

    For a one-of-a-kind project or deliverable , with no expectation of long-term maintenance , it may make sense to take the quick and dirty route of authoring technical product content directly in HTML .

  3. 清洁科技指的是本身就很环保,或者能帮助减少环境问题的科技,也可以指生产此种技术产品的商业部门。

    Cleantech refers to the technology that is itself environmentally friendly or that helps reduce environmental problems ;

  4. 信息技术产品设计中抗静电放电(ESD)技术的研究

    A study of preventing electrostatic discharge ( ESD ) in information-technology-product

  5. 加入GPA后能否优先采购本国产品,特别是能否优先采购在国际上并不居领先地位的高新技术产品;

    After the entry of GPA , can China firstly procure her home products , especially can she firstly procure those high-tech products which are not in the lead in the world ?

  6. 不用再生药剂的特点。EDI软水装置将作为更新换代的制备软化水的高新技术产品,在制备工业锅炉补给水、冷却水、其它工业用水等领域内得到推广使用。

    As a product with high and new technology for soft water preparing , EDI water softening equipments will replacing the traditional equipments and be wildly applied in preparing industrial boiler make-up water , cooling water , some industrial water , and some other fields .

  7. 阐述了如何运用新的HFC网络升级改造理念和新的技术产品,来快速合理的搭建下一代有线网络构架。在高带宽,高速率,高品质双向平台上,开展增值服务。

    It also describes how to accelerate the speed of building cable network architecture in a cost - effective way by using the latest HFC technology and cutting - edge product to provide 2 - way services of broader bandwidth , high speed and first - class quality .

  8. 我国高新技术产品加工贸易的发展对策研究

    The Developing Strategy Study of China ' Hi-Tech Product Processing Trade

  9. 促进我国高新技术产品出口的策略

    The Strategy of Promoting High-tech Product Export of China High-tech Product

  10. 中国高技术产品产业内贸易指数分析

    An Analysis of Intra-industry Trade in China 's High-tech Industries

  11. 技术产品的美学质量评价的实验报告

    Experiment Report on Appraisal of Aesthetics Quality about Technical Products

  12. 高新技术产品开发风险评价的层次分析法模型

    Two AHP models of high and new technology product development projects risk assessment

  13. 对易逝性高新技术产品收入管理系统的发展做了展望。

    And some envision is made to the development of the revenue management system .

  14. 高新技术产品的整合营销传播初探

    Study on Integrated Marketing Communication of Hi-tech Product

  15. 高技术产品的市场推广&以重庆市高技术产品为例

    Market Popularization of Hi - tech Products

  16. 这样才能通过金融发展有效地促进高技术产品出口比较优势的提升。

    And then we can promote exporting comparative advantage of high-tech products through financial development .

  17. 高新技术产品出口对我国就业技能结构影响的实证分析

    Empirical Research of the Influence of Hi-tech Goods Exports on the Employment Skill Structure of China

  18. 《政府采购协定》与我国地方政府优先采购本国高新技术产品立法探析

    Study on GPA and Legislation of China 's Local Government First Procurement of Home High-tech Products

  19. 然而高技术产品开发是一种极富探索和创新性的工程,具有明显的高收益与高风险性。

    High-tech product development , however , is an engineering innovation with high profit and high risk .

  20. 高技术产品市场营销策略

    Marketing Strategies for High-technology Products

  21. 略论高新技术产品的广告创意

    Advertising of High-tech Products

  22. 近年来中国对美高新技术产品贸易出现巨额顺差也证实了这一点。

    China 's recent large trade surplus in advanced high-tech products with the United States confirms this point .

  23. 以高新技术产品为核心的新经济正在影响着世界贸易格局的变化与发展。

    The new economy with hi-tech as its nucleus is giving an impetus to the change of world trade pattern .

  24. 接着,本文运用有关高技术产品开发和管理的思想,对这三家企业产品平台开发及衍生基础技术进行了分析。

    The paper then hypothesizes that to form product platform and develop derived product may leverage the market expansion ability for high-tech enterprises .

  25. 此处的重点是业务,本文并不对企业服务总线之类的技术产品进行深入探讨。

    The focus here is on the business ; the article doesn 't get into technology products such as an Enterprise Service Bus .

  26. 本文认为,北京要取得高新技术产品出口的突破,取得高新技术产品出口的可持续发展,就要建立促进高新技术产品出口的全面政策支撑体系。

    So if want to make great progress , to achieve sustainable development in high-tech export , Beijing should establish overall supporting policy system .

  27. 如何按照市场规律发展高新技术产品、并将其应用于不同领域,是内燃机行业面临的新课题。

    To develop new and high-tech according to market rule and to apply it into different fields is a new subject in China engine industry .

  28. 通过对高技术产品和产业生成路径的创新分析,阐述高技术经济存在着内在差异。

    Through an innovative analysis to the tracks of high-tech products and high-tech industries , the author explains the internal difference exists in the high-tech economy .

  29. 第三部分选择了高技术产品生命周期模型中的鸿沟区这一断面,讨论了关系营销的应用问题。

    In the last , the application of relationship marketing is discussed through the section of gap period in the model of high-tech product life cycle .

  30. 世贸组织于1997年初达成《信息技术产品协议》,该协议旨在规范信息技术产品多边自由贸易体制。

    In 1997 the WTO members reached an Agreement on Information Technology Products , which aims to standardize the multi-lateral free trade system of info-technology products .