
  • Technical negotiation;【化】technology negotiation
  1. 希腊财政部的专家们本周正竭力完成与欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)、IMF和欧洲央行官员们的技术谈判,力求在4月24日在里加与欧元区各国财长们达成协议。

    Finance ministry experts are scrambling to wrap up technical talks this week with officials from the European Commission , the IMF and the ECB with the aim of reaching a deal with eurozone finance ministers in Riga on April 24 .

  2. 它是重要的学习技术谈判。

    It is important to learn the technique of negotiations .

  3. 参于对客户、供应商技术谈判。

    Participate in technical negotiation for customers and suppliers .

  4. 技术谈判口译的标准及方法

    Principle and Method for a Technical Negotiation Interpreter

  5. 论技术谈判口译的特点

    On Characteristics of Oral Interpretation for Technical Negotiation

  6. 有关工艺标准在技术谈判时商定,卖方应在技术建议书中提出建议。

    Relative process standards shall be negotiated and determined in the technical negotiation , and the supplier shall propose suggestions in the technical proposal .

  7. 涉外谈判中的技术谈判最为关键,它关系到引进项目的技术质量。

    In the negotiations with foreign clients , the technical negotiation is the most important , as it relates to the technical quality of the imported project .

  8. 通过引进设备在安装调试中几个特殊实例,介绍引进设备自控系统在技术谈判中应注意的问题。

    Some Items that should be notice during technical negotiation when importing control systems of equipments was discussed in this passage by introducing a few special example in installation and adjustment of them on oil refining and chemical industry .

  9. 其次,从三个角度对谈判模型进行分类,并确定基于Agent技术的谈判系统的目标和特征;

    Secondly , it divides negotiation models into eight ones according to a set of standards and locates the suggested model in one of them and then defines the objectives and characteristics of negotiation support systems based on the agent technology .

  10. 灰色规划在技术转让谈判中的应用

    Application of Grey Programming in Negotiation About Technical Transfer

  11. 两家公司间有关技术合作谈判的前景尚有疑问。

    The future of the talks on the technical cooperation between the two companies is problematic .

  12. 技术转移协商谈判系统方法探讨

    A Study on Systematic Methodology of Negotiation in Technology Transfer

  13. 高技术虚拟企业谈判系统知识库框架设计

    Design on the framework of the knowledge base of negotiation system of high-tech virtual enterprise

  14. 技术性的谈判即将开始,我们必须继续取得进展。

    Technical negotiations are about to get underway , and we must continue to make progress .

  15. 重点讲解:技术性的谈判即将开始,我们必须继续取得进展。

    Technical negotiations are about to ge t underway , and we must continue to make progress .

  16. 在布鲁塞尔,因为欧洲官员指责希腊人没有认真提出方案,技术性的谈判进入了僵局。

    In Brussels , technocratic negotiations stalled , as European officials blamed the Greeks for not presenting serious proposals .

  17. 知情人士说,沃尔沃的技术正成为谈判的一个重点。

    Volvo 's technology is becoming a critical feature of the negotiations , say the people familiar with the matter .

  18. 美国麻省理工学院安全研究项目的吉姆·沃尔什表示,如果这是一场纯技术性的谈判,那解决方法可能会更容易达成。

    Jim Walsh with MIT 's Security Studies Program says if it were a purely technical discussion , the solutions would come much more easily .

  19. 抓紧海外资源落实、国内市场分析和技术资金合作谈判。

    We should quickly make the best use of foreign resources , accelerate analysis of the domestic market and speed up negotiations on technical and investment cooperation .

  20. 口译服务:普通口译设备安装技术交流商务谈判音像翻译新闻发布同声传译会议和培训。

    Written translation : construction project , technical manual , economy and trade , laws and regulations , notarial information , dub document , publish and localization service .

  21. 推动服务贸易协定、政府采购协定、信息技术协定等谈判,加快环保、电子商务等新议题谈判。

    We will strive to make progress in negotiations on agreements concerning trade in services , government procurement and information technology , and speed up negotiations on new areas such as environmental protection and e-commerce .

  22. 据京华时报报道,张希钦还说,中美两国目前正在进行技术细节的谈判,将有可能简化签证签发程序。

    The two countries are in the middle of discussions on technical details now , and it is likely that they will simplify the visa issuing procedure , Beijing Times quoted Zhang as having said yesterday .

  23. 中国和美国在消除信息技术产品关税的谈判获得突破性进展。

    China and the United States have reached a breakthrough in talks on eliminating duties on information technology products .

  24. 与客户进行沟通并建立良好关系,根据客户需求,组织技术支持和商务谈判,协调发货跟踪货款及时到帐。

    Manage regional sales and service ; Organize technical support and commercial negotiation according to customer requirement ; coordinate shipment and payment received on time .

  25. 会谈成果将加速关于扩大信息技术协议内容的谈判进程,该谈判将于今年晚些时候在日内瓦的世贸组织进行。

    The breakthrough should allow for the " swift conclusion " on talks to expand the Information Technology Agreement at the WTO in Geneva later this year .

  26. 应用流程模拟软件,对甲醇装置国外合成工艺技术报价和技术谈判资料工艺数据,进行了模拟计算和系统分析;

    By applicating process flow simulation software simulation calculation and system analysis are made with the information from foreign technical proposals for the synthesis process of methanol plant and process data collected during technical negotiation .

  27. 着重分析了在技术引进合同的谈判及签订时的风险因素,为技术引进项目管理者提供风险防范的思路和方法;

    Meanwhile , it also emphasizes on analyzing the risk factor of the negotiation and signature for technology introducing contract , besides , it provides the idea and method of risk avoidance for the managers of the technology introducing project .

  28. 针对平果氧化铝二期设计年产40万吨生产过程有关工序的工艺技术条件,通过与国外厂家的技术谈判,为引进国外氧化铝先进生产设备,提出采用的建议,确定了有约束性的技术性能保证。

    For the process condition of the second project in Pingguo alumina refinery with a alumina 400000 t / a , put out the principles of equipment selection and confirm technical performance guarantee .

  29. 而随着谈判理论、计算机技术和通讯技术及网络技术的发展,谈判支持系统应运而生。

    With the development of negotiation theory , computer and communication technology , network technology , Negotiation Support System ( NSS ) has come forth as the response to the rising requirement Firstly , some studies on contents of NSS are reviewed in this paper .

  30. 该项目从技术立项、产品研发、技术鉴定、产品定型鉴定、技术推广乃至合作谈判、资本化定价、产业化实施的过程比较完整。

    This project gets through project apply , product research and development , technical assessment , inspection before production , tech recommendation and cooperation negotiation , capital assessment etc. The process is very completed in industrialization .