
jì shù fǎ ɡuī
  • technical regulation
  1. WTO与我国国土资源技术法规体系的建立

    To Establish A Land & Resources Technical Regulation System Corresponding with WTO / TBT

  2. 针对我国化学品立法的现状和存在的几个方面的问题,分别就REACH的三项特色制度在中国的引进和借鉴方式做出了系统的阐述,以期完善中国的化学品技术法规体系。

    In allusion to the current situation and problems of Chinese chemical legislation , the writer expounds on the introduction of the three distinguishing systems and how we should use them for reference which hopes to be of help in perfecting the legislation system of Chinese chemical technical regulation .

  3. 技术法规是当前国际贸易中最主要的贸易技术措施,是WTO法律体系中不可或缺的法律文件之一。

    As uppermost trade technology measure in current international trade , technical regulations were one of indispensable legal documents in the WTO legal framework .

  4. ECE机动车技术法规中照明和发光信号装置的认证标志综述

    Review on Approval Mark of Lighting and Light-signaling Devices for Motor Vehicle

  5. 第一部分从TBT最基本的法律问题着手,介绍、分析TBT的概念、法律渊源、法律特点、构成及技术法规和强制性标准的关系。而后者正是我国TBT法律概念体系的一个空白点。

    Part one introduces some basic law points of TBT such as concept , law resources and characteristics .

  6. 欧洲ECE汽车技术法规制定及管理模式

    Making laws and regulations ; The Formulation and Management Model of ECE Automobile Technical Regulations

  7. 中国应自加入时起,使所有技术法规、标准和合格评定程序符合《TBT协定》。

    China shall , upon accession , bring into conformity with the TBT Agreement all technical regulations , standards and conformity assessment procedures .

  8. 欧洲ECE汽车技术法规及其型式批准制度越来越得到世界各国的广泛认可。

    The ECE automobile regulations and model approval system have been recognized by more and more countries around the world .

  9. WTO要求其成员国必须建立技术法规,而我国尚没有完整、统一、行之有效的技术法规体系,难以切实履行对WTO的承诺。

    The WTO requires that all the WTO member countries make their own technological laws , yet China has no such perfect , unanimous and effective technological law so that we can hardly truly catty out our promise to satisfy the WTO requirement .

  10. 根据ISO和WTO对技术法规的定义以及技术法规与法律法规的关系,技术法规本质上是一种需要强制遵守的技术性文件,具有技术和法律两方面的规定性。

    According to the definition of technical specification by ISO and WTO and the relationship between technical specification and laws and regulations , in fact technical specification is a peremptory technical document , it has the characters both of technology and laws .

  11. 指出我国现行法规体系中将强制性标准作为技术法规的弊端,提出根据《TBT协定》规定完善我国技术法规体系的建议;

    It points out the disadvantage in our current legislation system that the compulsory standards are acting as technical regulations , put forwards the suggestion to improve our technical regulation system according to TBT agreement ;

  12. 并且还提出探索用不确定性方法(RSI法)作为新时期船检技术法规起草的革命性方法和手段。

    Uncertainty analysis method , for instance RSI method , could be used in drafting and evaluating the rules and regulations for ship statutory survey in the new period . The topic of the thesis is novel and unique .

  13. 中国食品安全技术法规体系问题研究

    A Study of Technical Regulations of China 's Food Safety System

  14. 欧共体拖拉机产品技术法规体系及对国内产品的影响

    EC Tractor Technical Regulation System and its Effect to Domestic Products

  15. 技术法规在国际贸易中的作用和对策

    Function of Technical Regulations in World Trade and the Relevant Countermeasures

  16. 国外建筑技术法规与技术标准体制的研究

    Research on the System for Codes and Standards of Building Technology Abroad

  17. 我国建筑技术法规体系改革研究

    Study on Reformation of Building Technical Regulations System in China

  18. 国内外家用纺织品燃烧性技术法规的比较

    Comparison of domestic and foreign technical regulation of flammability for home textiles

  19. 纺织品燃烧性能技术法规与标准研究

    Study on technical regulations and standards of flammability for textiles

  20. 第10条关于技术法规、标准和合格评定程序的信息

    Article 10 Information About Technical Regulations , Standards and Conformity Assessment Procedures

  21. 我国计量技术法规现存的问题与对策剖析

    Analysis on the Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Metrology Technology Regulations in China

  22. 11.3.2能够最好地满足其技术法规的方法。

    11.3.2 the methods by which their technical regulations can best be met .

  23. 技术法规相关基本理论问题初探

    A discussion on relevant basic theory of technical regulation

  24. 国土资源技术法规、标准、合格评定程序评介

    Technical Law and Regulations , Standard and Qualified Evaluation Procedure of Land and Resources

  25. 我国技术法规建设和标准体制改革浅析

    Drawing up technology regulations and reforming standard system

  26. 对国土资源技术法规体系建设的思考

    Establishing Technical Specification System of Land and Resources

  27. 符合技术法规和标准不符合技术规格样品

    Out-of-spec line conformity with technical regulations and standards

  28. 浅谈欧洲联盟的汽车技术法规体系

    An Outline of EU Auto Technical Regulation System

  29. 危险品运输和移动式压力容器技术法规和标准的发展

    Development of Technical Regulations and Standards Concerning Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Transportable Pressure Vessels

  30. 欧盟承压设备技术法规和标准介绍&指令和协调标准

    Introduction the Technical Rules and Standards of European Pressure Equipment & Directive and Harmonized Standard