
wài ɡuó tóu zī fǎ
  • foreign investment law
  1. 其民选政府正竭力就一项新的外国投资法上达成一致。

    Its civilian government is struggling to agree on a new foreign investment law .

  2. 他说,这项外国投资法目前正面临着当地的非难或倒退。

    He said the foreign investment law is now facing local disapproval , or push back .

  3. 泰国的外企要准备应对更加动荡的局势了。泰国政府昨日强调,将加紧修改外国投资法。此前泰国的贸易伙伴曾纷纷警告,修改投资法可能会违背泰国政府对世贸组织(WTO)的承诺。

    Foreign businesses in Thailand were braced for further turbulence yesterday as the government insisted it would press ahead with changes to foreign investment laws , even as trading partners warned these could breach Bangkok 's World Trade Organisation commitments .

  4. SeanTurnell是澳大利亚麦考瑞大学的经济学家,他说外国投资法正面临着当地的非难或倒退。

    Recent versions of the law restrict foreign ownership in some industries and ban it completely in others . Sean Turnell is an economist with Australia 's Macquarie University . He said the foreign investment law is now facing local , or push back .

  5. 从菲律宾外国投资法看我国外资法律制度的完善

    Learning from Philippine 's Foreign Investment Law to Improve Ours

  6. 结合实际市场环境,对蒙古外国投资法及投资环境的完善贡献自己的力量。

    Integrate the fact investment environment , hope to consummate the foreign investment law of Mongolia .

  7. 泰国海外工商界昨日敦促泰国军政府重新考虑修改外国投资法,他们表示深切担心该法案对现有及潜在投资者的影响。

    Thailand 's overseas business community yesterday urged the military-installed government to re-think revisions to foreign investment laws , saying it was gravely concerned about the effects on current and potential investors .

  8. 运用商法和外国投资法理论归纳出外商投资企业登记的概念,通过对行政许可、行政确认的深入剖析,重构外商投资企业登记的性质。

    Commercial law and foreign investment law theory summarized the concept of registration of foreign-invested enterprises to reconstruct the nature of the foreign-invested enterprises registered in-depth analysis of the administrative licensing , administrative confirm .

  9. 文章通过对菲律宾外国投资法的介绍,分析了中国目前外资法律制度中存在的缺陷,并在借鉴菲律宾外国外资立法经验的基础上,提出我国完善外资立法的建议。

    Based on introducing Philippine 's foreign investment law and revealing the problems existing in Chinese foreign investment law , this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve Chinese foreign investment law by learning form the Philippine .

  10. 蒙古现行外国投资法秉着为保障外国投资者在蒙古投资过程中其利益不受侵犯,私有财产得到保障,以及以提供完善的投资环境为主要理念。

    The main idea of the Foreign Investment Law of Mongolia is the protection to the foreign investors interest are not violated , the private property can be safe in Mongolian investment activity , and provide the perfect investment environment .

  11. 在国际投资领域,外资法作为资本输入国的外国投资法的简称,是指资本输入国制订的关于调整外国私人直接投资关系的法律规范的总称,是国际投资法的重要组成部分。

    In the international investment area , Foreign Investment Law is the name of category of the laws and rules which are drawn up by capital importing countries to adjust the private direct foreign investment . It is an important constitutive part of international investment law .

  12. 同时与哈萨克斯坦石油天然气领域的直接投资法的认识进行比较。从而系统的深入了解对石油天然气领域的外国直接投资法的知识。

    Meanwhile this paper compares the direct investment laws between China and Kazakhstan so as to make a deep understanding of the foreign direct investment law in oil and gas field .

  13. 这种仲裁方式主要规定在国际条约和有关外国投资的国内法中,用来解决投资者和东道国之间直接因投资引起的法律争议。

    This kind of arbitration is mainly stipulated in international treaties and municipal foreign investment laws to solve legal disputes between investors and host states caused by direct investments .

  14. 简要介绍了外国投资与外国投资法的概念,分析了蒙古外国投资法的投资环境,该法的特点与结构,以及该法在蒙古引进外国直接投资的影响与作用。

    Introduce the concept of the foreign investment and the foreign investment law . The background analyze of the Foreign Investment Law of Mongolia , about the characteristic and the configuration of the foreign investment law .

  15. 斯坦艾布拉姆斯是一名居住在北京的律师,也是中央财经大学的外国投资和知识产权法教授。他说,虽然苹果本可以更加谨慎从而避免诉讼,但唯冠也犯了一些错误。

    Stan Abrams , a Beijing based lawyer and professor of foreign investment and intellectual property law at the Central University of Finance and Economics , said that while Apple could have avoided the suit by being more careful , Proview has also made mistakes .

  16. 中亚五国独立后,为吸引外国投资,先后制定了外国投资法和一系列与外国投资相关的法律。

    The five countries of Central Asia after independent since 1991 , for attracts the foreign investment , has formulated the foreign investment law and a series of related laws and regulations .

  17. 缅甸正努力增加外国投资,其民治政府正努力就一项新外国投资法达成协议。

    Burma is trying to increase foreign investment . Its civilian government is struggling to agree on a new foreign investment law .

  18. 从外国投资的待遇、市场准入和审批制度、优惠措施、法律保护和争端解决等方面,介绍了蒙古外国投资法存在的不足之处。

    Include foreign investment treatment , market admittance , examine and approve system , favourable policy , protection of the law , settle of the issue . Introduce the problem of the Foreign Investment Law of Mongolia .

  19. 本文对菲律宾外国投资法律体系、管理外国投资的机构、外国投资企业设立的有关规定和享有的优惠措施作了研究,并阐述了菲律宾外国投资法对我国相关法律制度的启示。

    The present paper makes a study of the legal system , the administration organization , and the relevant regulations and priorities for foreign investments , and describes the revelation to the foreign investment law in China based on the relevant law in Philippines .