
  • 网络skill knowledge;How-to knowledge;know-how
  1. 本文提出了基于技能知识和过程虚拟的虚拟MEMS制造系统的概念,具体以光学光刻工艺为切人点详细分析了虚拟光刻环境原形系统及关键技术;

    This paper puts forward the concept of Virtual MEMS Manufacturing System based on skill knowledge and process simulation . Concretely , using optical lithography as the breakthrough , this paper details a virtual lithography prototyping system and key problems .

  2. 提出了中学写作课程内容中的写作内容知识、写作技能知识、写作态度知识和写作知识的学习活动、写作技能的训练活动等方面的初步构想。

    In this paper , the blueprint are described through the construction of writing content knowledge , writing skill knowledge , writing attitude knowledge and the activity of learning writing knowledge , training the writing skills .

  3. 基于技能知识和过程虚拟的虚拟MEMS制造系统研究

    Research on Skill Knowledge and Process Simulation-Based Virtual MEMS Manufacturing System

  4. 但在管理技能知识的获取与开发方面,该机制并不显著。

    However , while looking from the angle of managerial knowledge acquisition and exploitation , the model seems to be insignificant .

  5. 挑战奖章则对技能知识要求更高,并介绍自立及服务他人等多项技能,俾其选择。

    The Challenger Award demands a higher level of skill , as well as introducing self-reliance and service to other people .

  6. 但是,如果你想在将来也能够谋职,那么你需要不断更新和扩充你的技能知识。

    But if you want a career in the future , you should add regular updates to your skills and knowledge .

  7. 因此,加强师范生课堂纪律管理技能知识的学习和培养训练是十分重要的。

    Therefore , it is essential for the teachers to strengthen the students ' study of applying management skills in classroom discipline .

  8. 其中知识管理系统主要功能指导员工有效的学习设备维护技能知识和设备维护人员相关评估数据。

    The main function of the expert system is to guide the technician effectively study the knowledge on equipment maintenance and the corresponding evaluation data .

  9. 立意阐述环境在歌唱方式方法以及艺术语言的表现,技能知识的掌握过程中所起到的暗示、提示、引索效应。

    This essay is aimed to expound the singing surroundings ' suggestive , indicative and leading effect on singing method and mastering the technical knowledge .

  10. 电力生产行业的基层工作者需掌握大量的技能知识,并且在生产实践过程中又会产生许多新的技能知识。

    Primary workers in power production industry require to master a large quantity of skills knowledge , and in practice much new skills knowledge will also be generated .

  11. 为此我们提出,社会体育专业学生不仅要掌握一定的体育专业技能知识,还必须具备过硬的人文、社会、自然科学文化储备,这样是一个受社会认可的合格社会体育专业人才。

    Therefore we think , social sports students should not only master certain professional sports skills , but also be equipped with competent humane , social , and science knowledge .

  12. 正如当前美术教育专家所指出:基础美术教育不再仅仅只是美术技能知识的传授,而应更加侧重于学生非智力因素的培养。

    As the current art education experts pointed out : the basic art education is no longer just art skills , knowledge , and should develop a more focused on the students ' Non intelligence factors .

  13. 要使学生获得技能知识并拓宽视野,强化职场学习能力,努力培养高职学生的基本技能和岗位技能,增强高职学生的实践情感和实践观念。

    For students with skills and knowledge and broaden horizons , strengthen workplace learning ; to train students in basic skills , vocational and job skills ; enhance the practice of vocational students in emotional and practical ideas .

  14. 职业教育是终身教育和终身学习的体系中、建立在基础教育之上的、为引导学生掌握在某一特定职业或职业群中从业所需的实际技能知识和认识的教育服务。

    Vocational education is an educational service in order to guide students to grasp the knowledge and comprehension of a practice skill in certain professions , which follows the basic education and be in the system of permanent education and study .

  15. 多媒体技术的实际应用与相关专业领域的结合非常紧密,所以在多媒体影视制作中,除了要了解多媒体软、硬件环境外,还必须掌握相关专业的技能知识,这样才能在实践中创造性开展工作。

    Since the practical application of multimedia technology is closely connected to some related academic fields , the making of multimedia video works require not only a knowledge of the software and hardware environment of multimedia but some of the techniques of the other related fields .

  16. 如果他们想把学位作为进入中产阶级的垫脚石,那么他们需要在大学期间积累技能和知识。

    These students need to build skills and knowledge during college if they are to use their degrees as a stepping-stone to middle-class mobility .

  17. 美国内科学委员会(TheAmericanBoardofInternalMedicine)正在研究如何将伊莎贝尔与医师技能和知识的评估联系起来。

    The American Board of Internal Medicine is studying how Isabel could be linked to assessments of physician skill and knowledge .

  18. 然而,许多现今的开发人员不具备开发Java代码的技能和知识。

    However , many of today 's developers do not have the technical skills and knowledge to develop Java-based code .

  19. 您的RUP认证比起您的技能与知识来说更加有用;它表示您正在致力于这一过程。

    Your RUP certification is more than a snapshot in time about your skills and knowledge ; it shows your ongoing commitment to the process .

  20. 由工作基金会(workfoundation)发表的这份研究称,如果英国未能在金融、工程、科学研究、it、教育和医疗等领域吸引足够数量的高技能“知识员工”,英国可能会落败。

    The study published by the work foundation says that Britain could lose out if it fails to attract sufficient numbers of highly-skilled " knowledge workers " in sectors such as finance , engineering , scientific research , it , education and healthcare .

  21. 每三年,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)都会测试世界各国15岁的孩子的技能与知识,并利用测试结果对参与的教育体系进行排名。

    Every three years , the OECD tests the skills and knowledge of 15-year-olds around the world , using the results to rank participating education systems .

  22. 它包含的工具针对不同用户的技能和知识优化过,因此策略经理、业务分析师和开发人员都可以获得所需的支持,可以尽可能发挥BRMS的价值。

    It includes tools tailored to the skills and knowledge of individual users , so policy managers , business analysts , and developers have the right support they need to get the most out of their BRMS .

  23. 使这些人改行成为可能的FME基金是一个公益机构,成立于1960年,资金来源于企业捐款,目的是帮助发展英国的管理教育制度、技能和知识。

    The FME , which made these career changes possible , is a charity founded in 1960 and funded by corporate donations to help develop management education institutions , skills and knowledge in the UK .

  24. Coursera在官方博客上这样写道:如果你选择加入我们的就业服务,我们就会基于你的兴趣、技能和知识的帮你匹配公司。

    In a blog post Tuesday , the company said : If you opt-in to our Career Services , we will try to find companies that match your interests , skills and knowledge .

  25. 该课程能提供基本技能和知识的训练,使他们能达到ESOL教师职位标准,并提供给他们一个令人满意的自我评估和职业发展空间。

    It equips them with the basic skills and knowledge needed to take up a post as an ESOL teacher and gives them a foundation for a self-evaluation and professional development in an rewarding career .

  26. 英国的普通国家职业资格(GNVQ)课程是一种能力本位课程,该课程旨在开发多种职业领域都需要的一般技能、知识和理解力。

    The curriculum for general national and vocational qualification is a kind of competent-based curriculum , which aims to develop students ' common skill , knowledge and understanding that are necessary to many occupations .

  27. 参加一个提高技能和知识的持续过程。

    Participating in an ongoing process of improving skills and knowledge .

  28. 寻找新的体验、技能和知识。

    Seek out new experiences , skills , and knowledge .

  29. 创办学校以传授技能和知识。

    Setting up schools to impart skills and knowledge .

  30. 你身上有职场需要的技能和知识。

    You are bringing skills and knowledge that the workplace is hungry for .