
jì shù zhī chí
  • technical support;technical assistance
  1. 技术支持是向个人直接提供的。

    Technical support is offered on a person-to-person basis .

  2. 我们免费提供技术支持。

    We offer free technical support .

  3. 这家公司将向欧洲客户提供技术支持。

    The company will support customers in Europe .

  4. 硬件故障,请让你的硬件提供商提供技术支持。

    Hardware Malfunction , call your hardware vend or for support .

  5. 通过一定的技术支持和指导,你就可以掌握网赚的具体方法。

    Anyone can make money fast online with some guidances and supports .

  6. GIS技术支持下的校园地下管网系统设计

    Design of Underground Pipes System in Campus Based on GIS

  7. 他的任务包括在各种Linux发行版和虚拟化平台上为IBMInformationManagement产品提供技术支持。

    His tasks include the support of IBM Information Management products on various Linux distributions and virtualization platforms .

  8. 分布式GIS及技术支持

    Distributed GIS and Its Technology Supports

  9. GIS技术支持下的江西德兴地区矿山环境地球化学质量评价

    An assessment of mine environmental geochemistry quality by GIS methods in Dexing , Jiangxi , China

  10. Internet的分布式资源环境,在知识获取方式、共享能力及协作学习等方面为远程教育和知识服务提供了强有力的技术支持。

    The Internet distributing resource environment provides powerful technical support for distant education and knowledge service in the aspect of Knowledge Acquisition ( KA ), shared ability and co-learning .

  11. 注意:要小心使用-crash选项,只有在DB2技术支持代表的指导下才能用。

    Note : Use the-crash option with care , and only when directed to do so by a DB2 technical support representative .

  12. 因此,在第三章我们根据网络层显示拥塞指示技术支持,提出一种公平窗口算法,使该算法在IP网络中得以实现。

    Therefore , a new fair window algorithm is proposed in the third part and is realized in IP network in support of ECN mechanism in network layer .

  13. CSCW的出现为实现并行设计提供了强有力的环境和技术支持。

    The emergence of CSCW provides a strong environment and technological support for the concurrent design .

  14. 3S技术支持下云南热带地区疟疾流行态势的研究

    Study on Malaria Prevalent Tendency Based on 3S Technology in Tropical Area of Yunnan Province , China

  15. BOA服务器技术支持利用任何一种WEB浏览器就能监控到网络设备的工作状态,从而大大满足了网络管理员的管理需求。

    It also can monitor the network equipment by WEB browser at the same time , which can greatly satisfy the management of the network administrators demand .

  16. 和Java7的技术支持,并且通过提供一个Visio导入选项使得更易于采用。

    And Java 7 , and makes adoption easier by providing a Visio import option .

  17. 在遥感与GIS技术支持下,以南京市域1988年、1995年和2003年3期TM影像为主要数据源,研究了南京市市域景观空间格局的动态变化特征及其演变规律;

    Based on remote sensing and GIS technology , the TM images of 1988,1995 and 2003 were used to evaluate the landscape spatial changes of Nanjing during the past fifteen years .

  18. VLIW微处理器特征与编译技术支持

    VLIW Microprocessors Features and Compiler Support

  19. 本文以郑州市水资源&环境管理决策支持系统(ZZWEMDSS)为例,详细介绍了GIS技术支持下的城市水资源管理及其决策支持系统的主要特点、总体构成和主要功能。

    The major characteristics , overall constitution and main functions of city water resources management and decision support system based on GIS are introduced by taking Zhengzhou Water environment Management Decision Support System as an example .

  20. 同时随着地理信息系统(GIS)应用的日趋广泛以及计算机应用的推广,成为多目标监控显示的技术支持。

    At the same time , as the more application of the geographic information system ( GIS ) and computer using , GPS satellite positioning technology is the main technical supporting for a multi-objective monitoring displaying .

  21. 在使用打开的PMR时,如果有可用的修复程序,则IBM技术支持还可能会指导您使用它。

    IBM Technical Support might also direct you to a fix , if one is available , while working on a PMR that you opened .

  22. 本文着重于C语言源程序相似度的识别,重点介绍了程序代码相似度获取的理论依据和技术支持、本设计的各功能模块和具体实施及实验测试。

    Identifying the similarity of C programming language source codes are focused on in this thesis . The theory foundation , technology supporting and experiment test of making similarity and every function module and concrete implement of this project are mainly introduced .

  23. 本论文深入研究了星载SAR影像的正射校正处理方法,为开发一个可操作性强、运行效率高的SAR影像处理软件系统提供技术支持。

    In this paper , the ortho-rectification methodologies of space-borne SAR imagery were studied in detail with objectives to solve key technique problems raised by developing an efficient and operational SAR imagery processing software system .

  24. 要更快速地开始上手,请参阅针对各个产品的how-to文章和技术支持。

    For an even speedier start , help yourself to a product-by-product collection of how-to articles and tech support .

  25. 为MSF装置的运行调整与控制策略的制定提供了决策依据,为MSF系统的国产化研制提供技术支持。

    The aforementioned researches and analyses can provide the help on making operation regulation and control strategy of the MSF system .

  26. 以1986年和2000年遥感影像为基本信息源,在GIS技术支持下,建立湿地空间数据库,分析15a来研究区湿地资源的时空变化特征及驱动力。

    Using 1986 and 2000 remote sensing data as the basic information resource and with the support of GIS , the authors built up a wetland spatial information dataset .

  27. 随着硬件平台、多操作系统、GPS应用以及移动互联的技术支持,嵌入式GIS已经被越来越广泛地应用在经济建设和现代化国防中。

    With the sustain of hardware platform , many kinds of operation system , the application of GPS ( Global Position System ) and the technique of mobile interconnection , the EM-GIS has been applied into the economic construction and the modern national defence .

  28. 光突发交换(OBS)技术支持带宽统计复用,具有适中的光交换粒度,能够充分利用成熟的电域技术和先进的光域技术,称为目前可行的光交换方案。

    Optical burst switching technologies ( OBS ) have many virtues such as supporting bandwidth multiplexing , fine granularity and facilitating the better synergy of the mature electronic technologies and the advanced optical technologies .

  29. 第二章对系统相理论和技术支持进行了说明,简要介绍了面向对象技术、管理信息系统、ADO(ActiveDataObjects)与SqlServer2000(数据库管理系统);

    The second chapter explains the system technologically and theoretically , and it gives a brief introduction to object-oriented technology & the management system , ADO ( Active Data Objects ) and SQL Server 2000 . The third chapter gives an overall exposition to the design of the system .

  30. GDSS的发展是技术支持和组织扁平化的结果,本文提出了对会议组织者工作内容研究;

    Technology development and organization horizontalization resulted in GDSS . This paper presents the content of facilitators work in GDSS meeting : ( 1 ) organizing and staffing the meeting group ;