
  • 网络perceived service quality
  1. 利用因子分析、方差分析以及结构方程建模等技术,验证MBA学员的感知服务质量对其满意度具有显著影响,而满意度又会影响行为意向的选择,为MBA教育服务质量提供了全新的实证研究成果。

    Using factor analysis , variance analysis , and structural equation modeling techniques , results indicated that perceived service quality has significantly affected on satisfaction , and satisfaction also can affect on the intention of act significantly . A new empirical research result has been provided at all .

  2. 南京英语培训顾客感知服务质量研究

    The Customer Perceived Service Quality Research of Nanjing English Training Industry

  3. 对两次观测数据分别进行线性回归分析,发现两测度相结合确实能够反映用户访问Web站点时的感知服务质量。

    Linear regress analysis based on two sets of observation data shows that the two metrics together can be used in a linear regression function to objectively estimate user-perceived Web quality of service .

  4. 研究了基于用户感知服务质量的跨层资源调度问题。将经济学理论中的容忍区域QoS模型以及感知服务质量分析理论应用到无线网络调度算法设计中。

    For cross layer resource scheduling base on user perceived quality of service , we incorporate the tolerance region based QoS model and the analysis theory of user perceived quality of service into the design of wireless resource scheduling .

  5. 以实证研究的方式运用servqual模型,对顾客(主要是家庭用户)的感知服务质量差距进行了调查测评,调查测评采用简单随机抽样法。

    It evaluated the perceived quality of service for the customer ( primarily home user ) with SERVQUAL model and empirical research . The survey evaluate adopt simple random sampling .

  6. 外部客户感知服务质量研究主要采用RATER指数模型和调查问卷方法进行研究,发现了客户最关心的反应度指数的客户评价最差。

    External customer perception of service quality study used RATER index model and the questionnaire method , and found that customers are most concerned about the reaction index of the worst customer evaluation .

  7. 高的顾客感知服务质量才有可能得到高的服务生产率。

    High customer-perceived service quality can be obtained high service productivity .

  8. 国内网上冲印顾客感知服务质量研究

    A Study on Customer Perceived Service Quality of Online Printing Service

  9. 餐饮企业感知服务质量与顾客忠诚关系

    The Relationship between Perceived Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in Catering Industries

  10. 跨文化因素对感知服务质量的影响

    The Influence of Cross-cultural Factors on the Perceived Service Quality

  11. 论酒店顾客感知服务质量的控制

    On Control of Service Quality of Hotel Guest Reaction

  12. 移动通信市场上感知服务质量对顾客忠诚度的影响研究

    Perceived Service Quality in the Mobile Market : Its Effect on Customer Loyalty

  13. 论医院顾客感知服务质量

    A Discussion on the Customers ' Perception of Service Quality in a Hospital

  14. 基于感知服务质量的经济型酒店节约型消费研究

    Research into Economized Consumption of Budget Hotel on the Basis of Customer-Perceptive Service Quality

  15. 英语培训;顾客感知服务质量;交互质量;服务质量差距。

    English training ; Customer Perceived Service Quality ; Interaction Quality ; Service quality gap .

  16. 图书馆读者感知服务质量的影响因素及提升策略

    The Influencing Factors of Library Readers ' Perceived Service Quality and the Strategies for Upgrade

  17. 结果表明,该算法可以实现解码器的媒体同步,满足用户提出的感知服务质量要求。

    The proposed algorithm can achieve media synchronization and meet the requirements of perceptual quality of service .

  18. 然而,针对当前我国信用卡用户对于信用卡感知服务质量的研究却寥寥无几。

    However , few researches were about service quality that credit card users feel about credit card .

  19. 对无线网络环境中的用户感知服务质量进行了具体的理论分析并给出了恰当的管理策略。

    User perceived QoS in wireless environment is well investigated , and the corresponding policy is given .

  20. 但是,感知服务质量与顾客满意、行为意愿的关系仍然存在着争论。

    However , the relationships among perceived service quality , customer satisfaction and behavior intention are still divergent .

  21. 技术焦虑作为顾客使用新技术时的负面情绪对顾客参与同感知服务质量间的关系有负向的调节作用。

    Technology anxiety has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between customer participation and perceived service quality .

  22. 能量消耗和网络覆盖问题是无线传感器网络中的两个核心问题,能量消耗决定了无线传感器网络的生存时间,网络覆盖则反应了无线传感器网络所能提供的感知服务质量。

    The energy consumption determines the network lifetime , and the QOS of WSN depends on the network coverage .

  23. 同时对服务质量各因子、顾客满意和各类顾客忠诚间的关系进行探讨,对比分析购买标准化产品和个性化商品的顾客感知服务质量、顾客满意和各类顾客忠诚。

    Meanwhile , discuss the relationship among the factors of service quality , the customer satisfaction and all kinds of customer loyalty .

  24. 运用结构方程模型研究感知服务质量的各个因子与顾客满意、行为意愿的关系。

    Using structural equation model to study the relationships among every factor of perceived service quality , customer satisfaction and behavior intention .

  25. 服务的特性决定了服务补救对于提高顾客感知服务质量、顾客满意和忠诚的重要意义。

    The characteristics of service decide the importance of service recovery for the customer perceived service quality , customer satisfaction and loyalty .

  26. 西方国家的“顾客导向”政府服务质量测评以顾客感知服务质量和顾客满意为主要方式。

    It is the main form of the Western governments'customer-orientation service quality appraisal to grasp how much the customers perceive and satisfy service quality .

  27. 第三部分是在前一部分理论分析的基础上,将顾客感知服务质量引入到我国的饭店业。

    Depending on theory analyses , in the third part the author introduces the service quality of customer aesthesia into hotel industry in our country .

  28. 因此,在对大量相关文献进行研究的基础上,本文将顾客知识水平引入到感知服务质量和顾客满意度的关系研究中,构建了(不同知识水平)顾客感知服务质量&顾客满意度研究模型。

    Therefore , after reviewing previous related literature , this study brings knowledge level into the relationships between customer-perceived service quality and customer satisfaction , constructing a study model .

  29. 要建立顾客忠诚,必须实施顾客忠诚营销计划,提高顾客转换成本;同时提供附加服务,提高顾客感知服务质量。

    To establish customer loyalty , the commercial bank must carry out customer loyalty plan , increase customer shifting cost , improve customer perceived service quality by offering attached service .

  30. 服务提供者的容貌吸引力越高,顾客的感知服务质量就越高。第四,品牌来源国刻板印象对顾客产生显著影响。

    Server physical attractiveness the higher , the perceptions of service quality is higher . Forth , the impact of country of original stereotypes on perceptions of service quality is significant .