
  • 网络Emotional Motives
  1. 瑟培尔(JamesSerpell)是动物福利教授,美国宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)动物与社会互动中心(CenterfortheInteractionofAnimalsandSociety)主任。他反对将人的感情或动机归咎为宠物因素使然。

    James Serpell , a professor of animal welfare and director of the Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society at the University of Pennsylvania , warns against ascribing human emotions or motives to your pets .

  2. 掩饰情感掩饰真实的感情或动机。

    To conceal one 's true feelings or intentions .

  3. 布莱特博士说,他们今后面临的挑战是搞清楚这个系统中的不同部分是如何分别影响人们在预测、评估和决策过程中的思维、感情和动机的。

    A challenge for the future , he said , is to determine how different parts of these brain circuits affect the thinking , emotion and motivation involved in anticipation , evaluation , and decision-making .

  4. 研究显示,当人们被提醒到自己失去的感情时,与动机和求生相关联的原始本能会被激发。

    It showed that primitive instincts to do with motivation and survival are activiated when people are reminded of their lost relationships 。

  5. 显示,当人们被提醒到失去的感情时,与动机和求生联的原始本能会被激发。

    It showed that primitive instincts to do with motivation and survival are activiated when people are reminded of their lost relationships .