
  • 网络passing-off;counterfeiting
  1. 但该法的规定比较宽泛,对细节问题的规定并没有很好的体现出来;同时市场又是纷繁复杂的,仿冒行为也是多种多样的,市场上发生的每个案件都有自己的特殊性。

    But provisions of the Act are broad , the provisions of the details are not well reflected . At the same time , the market is complex , counterfeiting is varied .

  2. 仿冒行为的立法中主要存在的问题有:仿冒行为的对象范围窄、缺乏权利冲突的解决规范、对混淆的情形规定不完备,以及对未注册商标保护的不严谨。

    Counterfeiting legislation main problems are : counterfeiting object narrow range , the lack of rights , conflict resolution specification , provide for confusion is incomplete , imprecise , and the protection of unregistered trademarks .

  3. 如何认定市场假冒与仿冒行为反向假冒企业名称法律研究

    The Harm of Behaviour of Counterfeiting Reversely Business Name and Legal Measures

  4. 第三部分主要介绍域名不正当竞争行为的类型,其包括三种类型:域名抢注行为、域名盗用行为、域名仿冒行为。

    The third section mainly introduces the types of the domain name unfair competitive behavior .

  5. 论反向仿冒行为反气相色谱法直接测定聚丙烯纤维的结晶度

    On reverse passing of the direct determination of crystallinity of polypropylene fiber by inverse gas chromatography

  6. 第五部分探讨了仿冒行为的法律责任,包括民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任。

    Part V discusses the legal responsibility of imitation , including civil , administrative and criminal responsibilities .

  7. 仿冒行为是最常见的不正当竞争行为,对经济秩序的危害也最为剧烈。

    The act of imitation is more than often the observable unjust competition , which poses the fiercest damage to the order of economy .

  8. 即除了对捏造、散布虚伪事实这一侵害商誉权的行为进行规制外,还应从保护商誉权的角度,对不当陈述行为、仿冒行为和商标淡化行为进行规制。

    Namely , besides regulating the encroach goodwill right act by means of fabricating , spreading false fact , and should regulate the act of unsuitable statement , passing off , trade mark dilution act .

  9. 仿冒侵权行为不但造成原真品厂商严重的经济损失,更引发了庞大的社会成本。

    Piracy and counterfeits not only caused serious economic losses , but also increased the huge social costs .

  10. 为了有效遏制这种仿冒知名商品的行为,我国在《反不正当竞争法》中对此种不正当竞争行为进行了规定。

    In order to effectively curb the behavior of such well-known counterfeit goods ,," Anti-Unfair Competition Law " provide such acts of unfair competition in our country .

  11. 我国反不正当竞争法中对禁止虚假宣传行为、禁止仿冒知名商业标志行为以及禁止侵犯他人商业秘密行为等规定,都可以作为保护民间文学艺术的直接法律依据。

    The prohibiting prescriptions of unfair competition law in China , such as false advertisement , famous trademarks counterfeit and commercial secrets infringement and so on , provide a direct legal basis for folklore protection .