
fǎng fú
  • seem;as if;be more or less the same;be alike;be similar;be more or less same;as if as though;like
仿佛 [fǎng fú]
  • [seem] 差不多。单独作谓语,前面可加相。用于书面

  • 两个孩子年纪相仿佛

  • [as if;be alike;be similar;be more or less same] 好像;似乎

  • 犹仿佛其若梦从者。--《汉书.扬雄传》

  • 山有小口,仿佛若有光。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 仿佛陈涉之称 项燕。-- 清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • 读着这些有趣的故事,我仿佛也被引进了童话世界

仿佛[fǎng fú]
  1. 我们仿佛在接连不断的危机中举步维艰。

    We seem to stagger from one crisis to the next .

  2. 我们仿佛在哪儿见过。

    We seem to have met somewhere .

  3. 他沉思着,仿佛在思索某个深奥的哲学问题。

    He pondered , as if over some deep philosophical point .

  4. 内战仿佛一触即发,举国上下一片恐慌。

    The country is haunted by the spectre of civil war .

  5. 我仿佛觉得自己已经死了,进了天堂。

    I feel like I 've died and gone to heaven .

  6. 她机械地说着话,仿佛在想着什么别的事情。

    She spoke mechanically , as if thinking of something else .

  7. 她笑了,仿佛在往事的回忆中得到了安慰。

    She smiled , as though solaced by the memory .

  8. 他们一直仿佛是要结婚似的。

    It always seemed as though they would get married .

  9. 在她心目中,他仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。

    She saw him as a sort of surrogate father .

  10. 他仿佛意识到背后有脚步声。

    He was vaguely aware of footsteps behind him .

  11. 她迷上了飞行,仿佛天生就会似的。

    She took to flying like a natural .

  12. 所有的朋友仿佛已听到了她婚礼的钟声。

    All her friends could hear wedding bells .

  13. 突然一声巨响,仿佛有人在外面引爆了火箭似的。

    There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside .

  14. 书页仿佛在她眼前晃动。

    The pages swam before her eyes .

  15. 我仿佛听见有人在呼喊。

    I thought I heard someone calling .

  16. 我仿佛听见有人在呼喊。

    I thought I heard somebody calling .

  17. 他悠闲地走过,仿佛时间对他来说是无穷无尽的。

    He sauntered by , looking as if he had all the time in the world .

  18. 她眼睛一亮,仿佛看见了什么不寻常的事情。

    Her gaze sharpened , as if she had seen something unusual

  19. 她严阵以待,仿佛准备面对打击。

    She braced herself , as if to meet a blow .

  20. 他们觉得自己仿佛做了什么龌龊丢脸之事。

    They felt as though they had done something discreditable and unclean .

  21. 那种声音听起来是那么宁静,仿佛天外之音。

    The sound was so serene that it seemed unearthly .

  22. 她那3年的自由仿佛是对孩童时代的反叛。

    Her three years of freedom seemed like a reaction against that childhood .

  23. 他仿佛要笑的样子。

    He looked as if he was going to smile

  24. 他一遍遍重复着那些名字,仿佛要把它们铭刻在心里。

    He repeated the names , as if to imprint them in his mind

  25. 他总能知道几点了,仿佛是出于本能。

    He always knew what time it was , as if by instinct .

  26. 我耸了耸肩,仿佛在说,“为什么不?”

    I shrugged , as if to say , ' Why not ? '

  27. 他看着我,仿佛在激我与他争论。

    He looked at me as if he was defying me to argue .

  28. 她闭紧双唇,仿佛害怕透露出她的消息。

    She pursed her lips together , as though fearing to betray her news

  29. 他略略地抬了抬眼皮,仿佛她的话会不小心玷污了他。

    He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him .

  30. 他的吉他发出一声仿佛木尺弹在课桌上的噪音。

    His guitar makes a noise like a wooden ruler being twanged upon a desk