
yín hé xīnɡ yún
  • galactic nebula
  1. 银河星云是我们星系中的一团团弥散物。

    Galactic nebulas are masses of diffuse material within our galaxy .

  2. 某些与银河星云相似但不发光的天体,有时看来象块黑色补丁,遮住了周围的星光。

    Some celestial bodies similar to galactic nebulas but without any luminosity sometimes reveal their presence as dark patches obscuring the light of stars beyond them .

  3. 一些图片展示了恒星毁灭前的大爆炸景致,还有一些组成了银河的星群星云。但是哈勃望远镜不止为我们提供了优秀的图片,他还帮助天文学家去解开宇宙的奥妙。

    Some show us the explosive outbursts of dying suns , others the swirling masses of stars that make up the galaxies . But Hubble isn 't just giving us extraordinary pictures , it 's helping astronomers unlock the secrets of the universe .

  4. 横亘于下面这幅全景夜空图中的,是我们银河系的壮丽星云与恒星。

    Explanation : Majestic nebulae and stars of our Milky Way Galaxy stretch across this panoramic image of the entire night sky .