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  • Silver pomfret;silvery pomfret;dollarfish;harvestish
  1. 银鲳3个野生群体线粒体COⅠ基因的序列差异分析

    Genetic diversity of three wild silver pomfret ( Pampus argenteus ) populations based on COI gene sequences

  2. 现在我们非常急切地寻找“银鲳”。

    Now we are looking for " silver pomfret " very eagerly .

  3. 主料银鲳腌渍味,拍上干淀粉制成菜,蘸花椒盐进食。

    Ingredients silver pomfret pickled flavor , making the dry starch vegetables , flowers Salt and pepper dip eating .

  4. 结果表明:银鲳和灰鲳在繁殖季节性比为1∶1;

    The results indicated that the two species had same sex ratio ( 1 ∶ 1 ) during the spawning season .

  5. 此外,岐点分布及中性检验显示,东海银鲳群体在历史上可能经历过种群扩张。

    Mismatch distribution analysis and Neutrality tests indicated a possible population expansion in silver pomfret population of the East China Sea .

  6. 本文研究了东海银鲳个体生殖力的分布以及个体生殖力与各体征指标的关系。

    Based on the specimens of silver pomfret collected from the East China Sea , the biometic data were obtained and the study of individual fecundity was studied .

  7. 由于银鲳属于中上层鱼类,且分布较分散,集群性较差,受捕捞压力相对较小,但在长期捕捞压力及外部环境变化下,银鲳性成熟提前、生长状况变好。

    This may be because it is a pelagic species with disperse distribution , less aggregative and with lower fishing pressure relatively , but it is premature and grows better in the living environment which may be caused by long-term fishing pressure and environment change .