
  • 网络perceived risk
  1. 经过40多年的研究,传统购物情境下的消费者的感知风险(perceivedrisk)理论已日趋成熟。

    Over 40 years , the theories on perceived risk ( PR ) in traditional purchasing situation have been well developed .

  2. B2C电子商务中感知风险降低策略的有效性研究

    Utility of Perceived Risk Reduction Strategies in B2C E-commerce

  3. 基于TAM模型和感知风险的消费者网上购买行为研究

    Study on Online Consumer Behavior Based on TAM and Perceived Risk

  4. 本研究将在TAM模型框架下增加感知风险这一变量,以揭示消费者的网上购买行为。

    This study will explore online consumer behavior based on Technology Acceptance'Model and Perceived risk .

  5. 在不同的背景变量下,C2C消费者的感知风险与购买意愿也不尽相同。

    While the different background variables , the C2C consumers ' risk perception and purchasing intention vary .

  6. 因此,ISP应该致力通过有形的政策和持续的形象塑造来建立起一个值得信赖的企业形象,从而减少感知风险、提高感知信任。

    Therefore , an ISP should try to establish a trustworthy image through visible policy and consistent image activities to reduce perceived risk and increase perceived trust .

  7. 利用网上调查数据,通过独立样本T检验和Pearson相关分析,证实消费者网上购物时的感知风险与网上购物交易主体自身的特征有关。

    Through Independent-Samples T Test and Pearson correlation analysis , applying data gained from online research , empirical study finds that perceived risk is related to traits of online transaction subject .

  8. 网上购物中消费者的感知风险及行为研究

    Research on the Perceived Risk in Online Shopping and Consumer Behavior

  9. 感知风险与零售商品牌购买之关系研究

    A Study of Relationship between Perceived Risk and Private Label Buying

  10. 消费者网上购物感知风险构面研究

    Research of the Perceived Risk Facets by Consumers in Internet Shopping

  11. 感知风险对网上购买决策的影响

    Research on the Influence of Perceived Risk in on-line Shopping Decision

  12. 消费者感知风险及减少风险行为研究

    The Research on the Consumer Perceived Risk and the Reducing Risk Behavior

  13. 也就是说研究感知风险比研究感知利得对准确把握和理解消费者得购买行为更重要。

    Perceived risk 's study has important significance in theory and practice .

  14. 网上购买茶叶的感知风险与购买意愿之研究

    Study on Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention of on-line Shopping for Tea

  15. 基于消费者视角的网上购物感知风险研究

    On the perceived risk on Internet shopping Basing on the consumers perspective

  16. 消费者电视购物中感知风险问题越来越受到人们的关注。

    Consumer perception of risk in the TV shopping more and more attention .

  17. 不同产品感知风险的实证研究

    Empirical Analyses on the Perceived Risks of Different Products

  18. 即感知风险越高,则购假意愿越弱。

    The higher the perceived risk is , the purchase intention is less .

  19. 绿色品牌作为一个新的事物,消费者对它的感知风险应该会有一些特点。

    As a new thing , green brand must have its own character .

  20. 而消费者感知风险与广告媒体搜寻信息努力之间没有关系。

    The relationship between cognitive risk and advertising search effort was not significant .

  21. 旅游者在旅游目的地选择中的感知风险研究

    The Study on Tourist 's Perceived Risk in the Process of Tourism Destination Choice

  22. 农民绿色蔬菜种植感知风险实证研究(二)

    An Empirical Research on Peasants ' Perceived Risk in Green Vegetable Production Process ⅱ;

  23. 消费者的感知风险和减少风险策略研究

    Research on Consumer Perceived Risk and Risk Relivers

  24. 感知风险的产生主要缘于购买过程中信息的不对称。

    Perceived risks are considered of arising from the asymmetric information of purchasing process .

  25. 网上购物感知风险的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Online Shopping Perceived Risk

  26. 感知风险、信任与网上购买行为关系研究

    A Study on the relationship between Perceive Risk , Trust and Online Consumer Shopping Behavior

  27. 所以,感知风险对购房者的购房意愿产生了重大影响。

    Therefore , perceived risk has a great impact on the purchasing desire of customs .

  28. 该研究发现系统阐述了地震感知风险在个体层面产生的影响及其机理。

    The model systematically investigated the impacts and mechanism of earthquake perceived risk at the individual level .

  29. 文章首先回顾了关系营销、感知风险、服务分类和关系利益方面的相关文献;

    Firstly , the essay reviews the literature on relationship marketing , perceived risk and relational benefits .

  30. 个人卷入水平、网上购物的自我效能感对感知风险有直接影响,个人卷入水平越高,消费者感知到越多的购买风险。

    The perceived risk was significantly influenced by both the personal involvement and the self-efficiency of online-shopping .