
  • 网络Cognitive Radio
  1. 感知无线电(Cognitiveradio)技术能有效解决频谱紧张的现状。

    Cognitive radio technology can effectively solve the spectrum tense actuality .

  2. 本文提出了一种可应用于分布式感知无线电网络的MAC协议。

    This thesis proposes a MAC protocol in distributed cognitive radio networks .

  3. 基于Boosting算法的感知无线电决策研究及其应用

    Research on Cognitive Radio 's Decision Maker Based on Boosting Algorithm and Its Applications

  4. 感知无线电改进WiMAX性能研究

    Research on Performance Improvement of WiMAX System by Cognitive Radio

  5. 本文所讨论的问题即在以正交分频多工(OFDM)上行传输的感知无线电系统中,提出如何配置子载波与功率给次使用者以达最大传输率的方法。

    A problem to maximize the transmission capacity of the secondary users subject to the power and mutual interference constraints in multiuser OFDM-based CR uplink systems is discussed in this thesis .

  6. 感知无线电还能根据自己与邻近发射器功率的改变,感应出RF环境随位置和时间的改变。

    A cognitive radio will be able to autonomously sense how its RF environment varies with position and time in terms of the power that it and other transmitters in the vicinity radiate .

  7. NC-OFDM是感知无线电的一种传输模式,它具有OFDM的所有优点,但也存在很多有待深入研究的问题。

    NC-OFDM is proposed as one of transmission modes of CR who has all merits of OFDM but as well as many new problems should be studied deeply .

  8. 一种基于历史信息的感知无线电动态频谱分配算法

    A historical-information-based algorithm of dynamic spectrum allocation for cognitive radio

  9. 感知无线电网络中的协作频谱检测技术研究

    The Research on Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network

  10. 感知无线电和多天线技术均为提高频谱使用效率的有效方法。

    Both cognitive radio and multi-antenna are effective technologies for spectrum efficiency improvement .

  11. 感知无线电系统中改进的循环频谱检测算法

    An Improved Cyclic Spectrum Detection Algorithm in CR Systems

  12. 感知无线电系统中频谱感知技术研究

    The Research of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio System

  13. 感知无线电中的频谱检测技术

    Technology of Spectrum Sensing in the Cognitive Radio

  14. 为解决此问题,人们提出了感知无线电技术。

    In order to figure out this problem , people proposed the cognitive radio technologies .

  15. 感知无线电关键问题的研究

    Research of Key Technology of Cognitive Radio

  16. 频谱检测技术作为感知无线电中的一个重要问题也受到了广泛的研究。

    As an important issue in cognitive radio , spectrum sensing technology is under extensive research .

  17. 感知无线电可以自动感知外界的无线环境并能调整系统参数以适应环境的变化。

    Cognitive radio has both the ability to sense the spectral environment and the flexibility to adapt transmission parameters .

  18. 美国政府建议将感知无线电技术用于未使用电视频带中的低功率特定网路。

    The government agency recommended cognitive radio technology for use in low-power ad hoc networks in unused TV bands .

  19. 为了获取最大空间分集增益,感知无线电检测器需要在没有授权系统任何先验信息的条件下,在频谱检测前对多天线信号进行合并。

    To achieve the full spatial diversity , the cognitive radio should combine the multi-antenna signal previously to the detection .

  20. 感知无线电技术包含三种基本功能,即频谱检测,频谱移动性管理以及频谱共享。

    The three basic functions of the cognitive radio technology are spectrum sensing , spectrum mobility management and spectrum sharing .

  21. 于是感知无线电可以在不干扰其他使用者的同时,以充足的功率发射信号,不但克服周遭干扰,并且以更有创意的方式合作。

    Cognitive radios can thereby avoid jamming other users yet transmit with sufficient power to overcome ambient interference and cooperate creatively .

  22. 本文系统地研究了感知无线电系统中的多天线技术,属于自适应传输技术的范畴。

    This dissertation has systematically studied the multi-antenna technology in cognitive radio systems , which belongs to the category of adaptive transmission .

  23. 其中,感知无线电决策机是关键问题,也是学界热点问题,学术界已经有了各种各样的解决方案,但也都存在一定缺陷。

    The Decision Maker of Cognitive Radio is one of the key issues , and it is also the hot-spot in academia .

  24. 频谱检测是感知无线电的关键技术之一,要求感知用户可靠、快速地检测频谱空洞。

    Spectrum sensing technology is a key component of cognitive radio whose function is to find out the empty frequency bands quickly and reliably .

  25. 然后分别概述了感知无线电设备的三种基本功能,还对感知无线电网络结构和应用进行了简要介绍。

    Second , the paper overviews the three basic functions of cognitive radio . The architecture and application of cognitive radio networks are also briefly introduced .

  26. 本文提出了一种分布式感知无线电网络中的动态频谱接入算法。

    This thesis proposes a dynamic spectrum access algorithm in distributed cognitive radio networks which can be used in the case that no control channel is available .

  27. 频谱共享允许多个次级用户和主用户高效共享频谱资源,是感知无线电得以提高频谱利用效率的关键。

    Spectrum sharing allows multiple cognitive / primary users to efficiently share the spectrum resources . It is the key technology to improve the spectrum efficiency of cognitive radios .

  28. 随着频谱资源日趋紧张,感知无线电技术成为无线通信领域新的研究热点。感知无线电可以有效缓解频谱分配与利用之间的矛盾。

    With more limited spectrum resource , cognitive radio technology becomes a new paradigm in wireless communications which can resolve the contradiction between allocation and utilization of the spectrum effectively .

  29. 因此,本文将感知无线电技术与无线网格网有效结合起来,并提出了基于频谱树的按需路由协议,有效解决了路由选择和频谱决定之间的协作问题。

    Hence , I used the CR capability to complement the WMN and proposed a spectrum-tree based on-demand routing protocol . The STOD-RP addresses the cooperation between spectrum decision and route selection in an efficient way .

  30. 本文将感知无线电系统分为集中式和分布式两大类,分别展开研究,主要的创新点如下:第一,在集中式感知无线电网络中,主网络和感知网络共享同一段频谱资源。

    In this dissertation , cognitive radio systems are divided into centralized systems and distributed systems two types and are studied separately . Main innovation points can be summarized as follows : Firstly , in centralized cognitive radio networks , a secondary network shares a spectrum with a primary network .