
  • 网络sensory conflict;felt conflict
  1. 运动疾病:感觉冲突理论的综合评估〉,《加拿大生理学药学期刊》(1988):10页。

    Oman , Charles M. " Motion sickness : a synthesis and evaluation of the sensory conflict theory . " Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology ( 1988 ): 10 pages .

  2. 第三,跨感觉通道冲突信息加工涉及到一个阶段,冲突信息整合反应阶段。

    Thirdly , the cross-modal conflict information processing happens in the conflict information integration and response stage .

  3. 其结果与普通动晕症相同:感觉的冲突会让你觉得恶心。

    The result is the same : You may have sensory conflict that can make you feel queasy .

  4. 通过数据分析发现,单一感觉通道冲突信息加工是分为两个阶段的,主要涉及到冲突信息察觉监视和冲突信息反应抑制。

    Scalp event-related potential analysis revealed the single sensory channel conflict information process was divided into two phases , mainly related to the conflict information monitoring and the conflict information response .

  5. 第五,在跨感觉通道冲突信息加工过程中,环境中的信息会从不同的感觉通道输入,可能进行语义编码,最后进行整合反应。

    Fifthly , during the cross-modal information processing , the environmental information is imported through different sensory channels then converted into the semantic coding . The conflict information integration and response happens in the end .

  6. 教皇本笃十六世说,他一直在注视和关注格鲁吉亚的局势,并且感觉跟格鲁吉亚武装冲突的受害者格外亲近。

    Pope Benedict said he continues to follow with attention and concern the situation in Georgia and feels especially close to the victims of the conflict .

  7. 每家银行都想扩张,但同时又想维持小巧、以客户为导向的感觉,回到那种冲突极小、官僚做法不是商业模式主要特征(即使一些较大型银行也是如此)的时代。

    Each bank aims to expand while maintaining a small , client-oriented feel , harking back to an era in which conflicts were minimal and bureaucracy did not define the business model , even at larger banks .