
  • 网络service quality;Quality of service;QOS;servqual
  1. 有保证的服务品质包含三种参数:封包传输延迟、封包延迟变异,以及封包遗失率。

    Guaranteed QoS includes three basic parameters : packet transfer delay , packet delay variation and packet loss rate .

  2. 一类基于网络服务品质要求的单播路由算法

    A class of network quality of service based unicast routing algorithm

  3. v.改进;改善我们能做什麼来改善服务品质?

    improve What could we do to improve our service ?

  4. 简介:许多企业正要求服务品质协议(SLA),SLA可以保证企业为之付费的IT服务的可靠性。

    Summary : Many businesses are demanding service-level agreements ( SLAs ) that guarantee the reliability of the IT services they pay for .

  5. 柜量成长奖励措施及港湾费率优惠措施,阶层分析法(AHP),码头资源有效利用,提升码头服务品质。

    The reward measures of increasing throughput and port fee for port authority , Analytic Hierarch Process ( AHP ), Valid utilities of resource in terminal , Promotion of service quality in terminal .

  6. Internet的高速发展,给人们的工作和生活带来了极大的便利,同时人们对Internet的服务品质和访问速度要求越来越高。

    With the rapid development of Internet , more and more people gain the conveniences of Internet technology , and the same time , another problem arises : the request to the quality of Internet service and network speed is becoming more and more strict .

  7. Gomez以类似的方式定义超快:“快到足以按照与客户协定的服务品质协议(SLA)交付信息。”

    Gomez takes a similar tack by defining extremely fast as " fast enough to deliver information according to the SLAs agreed upon with clients . "

  8. 逆向物流;服务品质;PZB服务品质模式;品质机能展开;网路层级分析法。

    Reverse Logistics ; Service Quality ; PZB Service Quality Model ; Quality Function Deployment ; Analytic Network Process .

  9. 提高电子服务品质的关键问题是缩小服务的提供与需求之间的差距,这个差距被PZB称为缺口。

    To improve the E-service quality , it is the key to narrow the gap between supply and demand in services .

  10. 同时本文通过模拟实验完整的PFI执行流程,证明PFI可以发挥转移政府风险、提高公共服务品质、扩大民间从业领域、增加经济活力和社会财富的作用。

    Through the simulation experiment of the complete operating process , it is proved that PFI can play roles of transferring the government risks , improving the quality of public service , enlarging employment , increasing economy activity and social wealth .

  11. 台湾会计师事务所服务品质缺口实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Service Quality Gaps of CPA Firms in Taiwan

  12. 品质机能展开,服务品质,港埠物流业。

    Quality Function Deployment , service quality , Port Logistics .

  13. 公司凭借强大的技术实力和优秀的服务品质。

    Companies with strong technical strength and excellent service quality .

  14. 货柜集散站,服务品质,品质机能展开。

    Container Terminal , Service Quality , Quality Function Deployment .

  15. 我国政府网站服务品质的分析与思考

    Analysis and Ponder on the Service Quality of our Government Web Sites

  16. 衡量对于服务品质的重要性有如风对于帆一般。

    A scale to service quality is the wind to the sails .

  17. 国内网上银行服务品质研究

    A Study on Service Quality of Internet Bank in China

  18. 那家义大利餐厅试著维持高水准的服务品质。

    That Italian restaurant tries to maintain a high level of service .

  19. 一种保证服务品质的存储网络实时存储调度机制

    A Real-time Storage Scheduling in Storage Network with QoS Guarantees

  20. 工作流服务品质评价模型研究

    A Study of Workflow Quality of Service Measure Model

  21. 宁波地区高职教育关键服务品质的评价研究

    The Evaluation on Critical Service Quality of Higher Vocational Education In Ningbo Area

  22. 或许他们将提供不同级别的服务品质。

    Perhaps they will provide varying levels of quality-of-service .

  23. 确保酒店维持高标准的服务品质、工职责的履行及客户的满意。

    To ensure maintenance of quality standards , staff performance & customer satisfaction .

  24. 然而,无法取代的是建国优质的服务品质。

    However , Jian Guo 's quality service is not to be replaced .

  25. 地铁服务品质的测量分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Metro 's Quality of Service

  26. 我们的提倡目标是以简单和卓越为我们的服务品质。

    We aim for simplicity and excellence in the quality of our services .

  27. 总结了以效率低和服务品质不佳为主要特征的医院管理现状。

    Its summarized the actualities of hospital management with poor efficiency and service quality .

  28. 可靠的合作夥伴,保障服务品质和业务延续性。

    A reliable partner to ensure business continuity .

  29. 对于大多数企业软件拓扑结构,应用程序可伸缩性是一项重要的服务品质。

    Application scalability is an important Quality of Service in most enterprise software topologies .

  30. 此方法最后可达到高能源效率且能满足每个资料流的服务品质需求。

    This ends up with high energy efficiency for MSSs while meeting flows'QoS requirements .