
  1. 一种基于Agent的Web服务认证模型

    An Agent-Based Authentication Model for Web Services

  2. 基于SAML的Web服务认证技术

    Web services authentication technology based on SAML

  3. 本文主要就PKI在以下两个方面的应用进行了介绍,一个是个人证书在安全电子邮件服务认证方面的应用;

    This text has mainly made an introduction on the application in two following respects of PKI , One is application in safe E-mail service authentication of personal certificate ;

  4. 基于手机的移动数据访问服务认证模型

    Research and implementation of secure service model for data access based on handset

  5. 服务认证由哪些功能变成服务的决定组成。

    Service identification consists of determining which capabilities should be exposed as services .

  6. 移动通信增值服务认证和支付研究

    Research on authentication and payment of mobile communication VAS

  7. 服务认证和部署控制点-检查遵从性。

    Service Certification and Deployment Control Point-Verify compliance .

  8. 服务认证:创建、维护和使用服务认证过程标准。

    Service Certification : Create , maintain and utilization of standards for a service certification process .

  9. 开启体育服务认证的大门&体育场所引进开业(安全)认证和等级(评定)认证

    Start-up of Sports Service Authentication

  10. 认证证书包括产品认证证书、服务认证证书和管理体系认证证书。

    The certification certificates shall include the product certification certificate , service certification certificate and management system certification certificate .

  11. Requiresglobalsecurity:可以选择需要全局安全性,如果服务需要认证的话。

    Requires global security : Select Requires global security if the server requires authentication .

  12. 服务的认证是SOA治理的重要部分。

    Service certification is a critical part of SOA governance .

  13. 服务的认证和发布对于采用SOA非常重要。

    Service certification and publishing is a vital process for SOA adoption .

  14. 通过采用基于Session的用户会话跟踪技术,实现了统一认证服务的认证令牌;

    Based on using user session tracking technique of Session , a session token is implemented ;

  15. 基于Cookie的Web服务安全认证系统

    Cookie-based authentication system for web services

  16. Web服务的认证、授权和评测被委托给托管系统,因此,匿名服务通常不需要其它的准备。

    The authentication , authorization , and metering of a Web service is delegated to the hosting system , so anonymous services typically need no additional provisioning .

  17. 采用目录服务Kerberos认证实现统一身份认证

    Realization of unified authentication based on directory service and Kerberos authentication mechanism

  18. 本文主要关注MDMServer中解决MDMIT安全服务的认证、授权和审计等方面的组件。

    This article focuses on the components of MDM Server that address the authentication , authorization , and audit aspects of IT security services for MDM .

  19. SAML规范中没有任何内容提供了实际的认证服务,认证服务是由商业目录服务器提供的。

    Nothing in the SAML specification provides the actual authentication service that a commercial directory server otherwise provides .

  20. 专用防火墙、Web服务、认证服务和负载平衡成了传统应用程序和数据库服务的前端,这时企业需要一个统一的通讯机制,用于数据的可靠传输。

    Dedicated firewalls , Web servers , authentication servers and load balancers are front ends to traditional applications and database servers . In this case , it is necessary for enterprise managers to find a unifying communication mechanism by which data can be transacted move reliably .

  21. 任务:服务的认证和发布

    Task : Certification and Publishing of Services

  22. 建立了教师培训市场,制订了教师培训服务机构认证和监测规范。

    A market for teachers ' training has been established , along with criteria for accreditation and monitoring of teacher training services .

  23. 与意定的通信伙伴安全地通信是至关重要的,这里需要的信息安全服务是认证和密钥协商。

    It is very important to securely communicate with the intended communication partners . The security service needed here is authentication and key exchange .

  24. 设计实现了验证系统,对本文中的联盟身份管理关键技术和服务调用认证关键技术进行了实现,验证了其技术的可行性。

    Technology validation system is designed and implemented , which implemented the key technologies of federated identity management and service invocation authentication , and validated the feasibility of the technologies .

  25. 对组播技术现存的一些问题和难点进行了分析,主要针对组播的安全性、可靠组播、组播服务的认证和计费等问题提出了有实用价值的解决方案。

    By analyzing the existent problems and difficulties of IP multicast , we give some practical proposals to its security reliability the IP multicast authentication and its billing system . 4 .

  26. Web服务中身份认证与访问控制模型的研究

    Research on Identity Authentication and Access Control Model of Web Service

  27. 一种基于Web服务的身份认证方案

    A Authentication Scheme Based on Web Services

  28. RADIUS协议为远程访问系统提供重要的安全服务,即认证、授权和记账。

    RADIUS protocol provides very important services for remote access system , including authentication , authorization and accounting .

  29. ASP服务平台身份认证技术研究

    Authentication Technology of ASP Service Platform

  30. 同时,基本认证或证书仍可以发挥作用,但基于表单的挑战更加复杂,因为您无法用Web服务请求发送认证信息了。

    In the meantime , basic auth , or certificates would work , but form based challenge is more complicated because you cannot send the authentication information with the Web service request .