
  • 网络cost;service cost;Cost of service;cost-to-serve
  1. 基于SD模型的客户服务成本信息不对称影响研究

    Effect of Information Asymmetry of Customer Service Cost Based on System Dynamics Model

  2. 分析了基于超市模型的分布式并行网络实验系统实例,采用Poisson流仿真算法,对系统性能进行了评估计算。从服务成本和等待成本两个方面,得出了系统配置优化策略。

    The distributed parallel Network Experiment System instance based on the supermarket mode has been analyzed . The research adopts Poisson Flow simulation algorithm to evaluate the system performance , and achieve optimization strategy for the system configuration through calculating the service cost and waiting cost .

  3. OEM制造模式下中小企业因产品质量问题造成售后服务成本的大大增加,转化为企业运营成本的巨大压力。

    In the OEM manufacturing mode , problems of product quality increased the after-sales service costs , it brings great pressure to SMEs because of the increasing operations costs .

  4. 成本指标采用直接医疗服务成本。

    The direct healthcare cost was adopted as the cost index .

  5. 护理服务成本核算研究体系的思路与模型

    Thought and model of cost counting research system of nursing service

  6. 我国电信普遍服务成本分析

    Cost Analysis is for Universal Service of Telecommunication in China

  7. A通信设备制造商服务成本管理的研究

    Research on Service Cost Management of A Communication Equipment Manufacturer

  8. 医院药房调剂服务成本的模型化研究

    Research on the model of the service cost of Hospital pharmacy dispensing

  9. 论高校图书馆社会化信息服务成本补偿

    On Cost Compensation of Socializing Information Service in College Libraries

  10. 乡级计划生育服务成本案例分析

    An Analysis of the Costs of Family Planning Services at Township Level

  11. 由此而来的结果是好些软件厂商越来越不能接受服务成本之重,极大地影响了企业的正常运营和持续发展;

    Such consumption have influenced normal running of enterprises and sustainable development greatly ;

  12. 建立医疗服务成本约束机制;

    To establish restraint mechanism of medical care cost ;

  13. 三是引入市场竞争机制,降低服务成本。

    Third , the introduction of market competition mechanism , reduce service costs .

  14. 加强固定资产管理降低医疗服务成本

    Strengthening the Management of Fixed Assets to Reduce the Cost of Medical Services

  15. 服务成本与顾客成本的构成对消费者购买行为产生影响。

    Service cost and customer cost altogether influence the purchase action of consumers .

  16. 城市社区卫生服务成本核算(二)

    Community Health Service Cost Accounting ( No. 2 )

  17. 航空服务成本预测的支持向量机方法研究

    The Forecasting Method Research of Aviation Service Cost Applying with Support Vector Machine

  18. 基于服务成本和对用户价值的分布式存储系统机制设计

    Mechanism design of distributed storage system based on service cost and value for customers

  19. 乡级妇幼保健服务成本及效果案例分析

    A Cost and Effectiveness Analysis of Maternal and Child Health Services at Township Level

  20. 社区康复服务成本效益与效果研究进展

    The advance in the study of the cost-effect and benefit of community-based rehabilitation services

  21. 大用户直购电辅助服务成本分摊机制

    Cost allocation designing of ancillary service for larger electricity customers supplied directly by suppliers

  22. 广东省社区卫生服务成本及补偿现况研究

    A Study on the Cost and Compensation Condition in Community Health Service in Guangdong Province

  23. 尽管这类服务成本高昂,但考夫曼认为,这是物有所值。

    While such services would be expensive , Kaufman argues that it is a worthwhile price .

  24. 路径安排合理能有效提高运输效率、降低服务成本。

    A reasonable routing arrangement can largely improve the transportation efficiency and reduce the service cost .

  25. 对普遍服务成本补偿机制的经济分析

    Economic Analyses on Universal Service

  26. 社区卫生服务成本中劳务费所占比例最大为54.19%;

    Labor wage is the biggest section of CHS cost , accounting for 54.19 percent of CHS cost .

  27. 在此基础上比较了中外天然气管输定价的服务成本法与经济评价法,一部制定价法与两部制定价法等;

    Compared service cost methods with economic evaluation methods and the one-part pricing method with the two-part pricing method .

  28. 销售及售后服务成本价值链环节中采用的一体化分销系统。

    The system of the integration distribution used in the cost value chain link of Sales and post-sale service .

  29. 因此,只能通过节流也就是控制服务成本来实现,进行成本控制是医院可持续发展的关键。

    Therefore , the only method is cost control that is the key to the sustainable development of hospital .

  30. 本文着重研究高校生均标准教育服务成本的计量和核定问题。

    This paper highlights the accounting and checking of the cost of colleges ' equal standard education service per student .