
  • 网络SERVICE;Service Area;range;service scope
  1. 利用定量模型和GIS方法,从空间布局、服务范围以及航空客流分布等方面来研究中国的机场体系及其服务水平。

    Based on the quantitative model and GIS method , this paper analyses the airports ' spatial distribution , service coverage and air passengers flow in China .

  2. COS的服务范围不仅局限于内部客户,而且服务范围扩大到外部客户。

    The service scope is not only to internal customers , but also to external customers .

  3. 们的服务范围包括高级婚纱设计定制,高级礼服、派对装设计定制,及欧美一线品牌成衣的驳样定制

    Our services include design and tailoring for wedding gowns , tuxedos and party dressesfrom and American brands .

  4. 我是做临时工的!服务范围:招牌,灯箱,电焊,各种金属字,水晶字,LED广告,霓虹灯制作及维修!

    Services : signs , light boxes , welding , metal words , crystal characters , LED advertising , production and maintenance of neon lights !

  5. 周二发布的裁决涉及的发电站为关西电力公司(KansaiElectricPowerCo.)所有。该公司的服务范围是日本西部的一个带状区域,包括大都市大阪。

    The Kansai Electric Power Co. , which owns the plant at the heart of the ruling issued Tuesday , serves a swath of western Japan that includes the metropolis of Osaka .

  6. 在中国大陆拥有26家分支行的汇丰银行(HSBC)表示,新条例将使其能够进一步扩大分行网络和服务范围。

    HSBC , which operates 26 branches on the mainland , said the rules would allow it to further expand our network and service range .

  7. 去年遭解职的雅虎前首席执行官卡罗尔巴茨(carolbartz)此前已经缩小了雅虎的服务范围。

    Carol Bartz , who was sacked as chief executive last year , had already narrowed the range of Yahoo services .

  8. 关于派遣人员的数量,服务范围以及任务条件已于合同附件VII中列明。

    The number of the personnel and the extent of the services and treatment conditions are specified in Annex VII to the Contract .

  9. 另外两个流动图书馆将服务范围扩大到了许多其他学校,学生LisaAndriyaniPutri认为图书馆帮助开发她的智力和个性:

    Two mobile libraries expand the reach of the program to many other schools . Student Lisa Andriyani Putri thinks the library will help develop her mind and character .

  10. EPON以其成本低、带宽高、分配灵活和服务范围大的特点,将成为接入网的一种最有效的通信方法。

    As one of the most effective communications technologies of Access Network , EPON has the advantages of low cost , high bandwidth , flexibility and wild range of services .

  11. 三星电子公司周六宣布,其移动支付系统SamsungPay将于下个月在包括中国在内的主要市场上线,以此在这一竞争中兴起的平台上加速扩大其服务范围。

    Samsung Electronics Co. said Saturday it plans to release its mobile payment system Samsung Pay in major markets , including China , next month , speeding up its efforts to expand the presence of the platform amid the rise of rivalry services .

  12. IAD组与非IAD组在网络服务范围上无显著差异,在上网用时、互动对象方面存在显著差异。

    Though the IAD-group and the non-IAD-group have no obvious differences in terms of internet service scope , they differ in respect of time consuming on the internet and interactive target .

  13. 本文探讨了PKI管理域之内和之间可能的向下、平级和向上三种扩展方式,提出使用路径发现过程来减少PKI扩展时对端实体的影响,从而提高PKI服务范围的可扩展性。

    The upward , downward , and horizontal expansions of PKI are discussed in this paper . A path discovery method is suggested to reduce the effect of PKI expansion on end entities so as to enhance the expansibility of PKI services .

  14. 但Instacar在达到在线食品杂货零售商FreshDirect的规模之前,还有很长的路要走。目前成立已11年的FreshDirect的服务范围包括纽约曼哈顿、费城和新泽西。

    But Instacart has a long way to go before it achieves the reach of FreshDirect , the 11-year-old online service serving Manhattan , Philadelphia , and New Jersey .

  15. 每个接入点的服务范围构成1个小区。

    The service area of each accessing point is a district .

  16. 我国邮政普遍服务范围研究

    A Study of the Universal Postal Service Range in Our Country

  17. 我们提供不属于任何医疗机构服务范围的卫生保健服务。

    We provide health care outside any kind of institutional setting .

  18. 公共卫生服务范围和能力得到明显提升。

    The scope and capacity of public health services has improved significantly .

  19. 开发本馆文献信息资源扩大服务范围

    Develop Documentation and Information Resources of the Library and Expand the Service Scope

  20. 后来组织者扩大服务范围,也帮助其他病患者。

    Then the organizers expanded the camp to help people with other diseases .

  21. 无法找到站点搜索服务范围,请报告给管理员。

    Site search service scopes can 't be found , report to administrator .

  22. 随着发展,服务范围需相应拓宽。

    The range of outpatient service should be enlarged .

  23. 论述了药物情报工作的必要性、服务范围和要素。

    The necessity , service range and essential contents of drug information are discussed .

  24. 许多独立书店正在扩大服务范围,比如开办创意写作班。

    Many are branching out by offering new services , such as creative-writing classes .

  25. 这个举动将汽车租赁公司的服务范围扩大到汽车共享领域。

    The move expands the rental car company services to car sharing as well .

  26. 技术服务范围和卖方技术人员的待遇条件

    The Contents of Technical Service and the Treatment for the Seller 's Technical Personnel

  27. 确定地理网络中心服务范围的一种算法

    A kind of algorithm of finding a center 's service area of a geographic network

  28. 延伸高校图书馆的服务范围,构建公共文化服务体系

    Expand the Service Scope of the University Library and Construct the Public Cultural Service System

  29. 服务范围:中央空调的循环冷却水、冷冻水系统;

    Service area : recirculated cooling water of central air conditioner , chilled water systems ;

  30. 合理应用地质资料扩大地质资料服务范围

    Making Rational Use of the Geological Data and Expanding the Serves Area of Geological Data