
jì shù jīnɡ jì xué
  • technological economics
  1. 试论技术经济学的学科性质与理论基础

    On the Subject Characteristics of Technological Economics and Its Theoretic Basis

  2. 构建信息技术经济学学科体系

    Founding Science System of Information Technological Economics

  3. 不平等问题很大程度上不是技术经济学问题。

    The problem of inequality is not so much a matter of technical economics .

  4. 本文提出了MBA技术经济学课程设置的必要性,对其教学特点和教学方法作了分析和探讨,并就笔者从事MBA技术经济学教学中的实践作了介绍。

    This text put forward the necessity that MBA technique economics course establishes , analyses and studies it 's teaching characteristics and teaching method . Made the introduction for the MBA technique economics practice in the teaching .

  5. 工科学生的三个使命与技术经济学课程改革

    Three missions of engineering students and technical economics curriculum reform

  6. 废气复合透平系统的热技术经济学分析和设计优化

    Thermotechnical Economics Analysis and Design of a Waste Gas Turbo Compound System

  7. 技术经济学中有关问题

    An approach to some problems on the technical economics

  8. 技术经济学意义上的技术人性化,是公众需求、技术进步和利益引导三方博弈的结果。

    Technology-humanized viewing from technologic economics is the result of game between public want .

  9. 第三部分研究银行并购的技术经济学分析;

    The third part researches technology economics analysis of M & A of bank .

  10. 技术经济学课程案例教学探讨

    Exploration on Case Teaching of Technique Economy Course

  11. 论技术经济学的学科性质与作用

    On the Characteristic and Function of Technical Economics

  12. 人力资本投资决策的技术经济学分析

    The Investment Decision on the Human Capital That Analyzed from the Angle of Tech-Economics

  13. 论技术经济学与素质教育

    Discussion on Technical Economics and Quality Education

  14. 采暖用散热设备性能热技术经济学评价方法研究

    A method for evaluating thermotechnical economics of the performance of radiating equipment used for heating

  15. 第五章是方案综合评价部分,运用成本效益分析法和技术经济学的方法对方案进行了整体评价。

    Finally , evaluate the whole project by means of cost-benefit analysis and technique economics .

  16. 虽然我们有各种世上最好的技术经济学,但我们还是无法可靠地预测未来。

    With all the best technical economics in the world we cannot reliably predict the future .

  17. 浅议渗透于企业中的技术经济学

    On technological economics penetrated in enterprise

  18. 为构建技术经济学的计量历史分析探索一种研究方法。

    Explore a research method in order to construct the metric history analysis for technical economics .

  19. 基本建设技术经济学

    Technical economics of capital construction

  20. 环境保护技术经济学

    Technical economics of environmental protection

  21. 在线信息产品特殊的技术经济学特征使得传统的定价策略不再适用。

    Traditional pricing strategies are not appropriate for online information goods because of its special technological and economical characteristics .

  22. 本文在技术经济学领域提出并系统论述了经济效益保证体系的概念。

    A new concept in the field of technical economy is put forward and systematically discussed in this paper .

  23. 本文对信息技术经济学学科体系的创建具有重要意义。

    This paper is a very important reference significance to the study system creation of the information technological economics .

  24. 本文运用技术经济学的原理和方法对城市电网改造的效益进行了分析和评价。

    By technologic and principles and methods , the thesis analyzes the benefits of the Urban Power Network renovation .

  25. 在对船舶动力装置择优评价时,推荐采用技术经济学原理的全面分析方式。

    In the merit evaluation of marine engines , a comprehensive approach based on principles of techno-economy is advocated .

  26. 通过工程实例介绍如何运用工程技术经济学原理对国际工程投标进行策略分析。

    Analysis is made on how to apply economic theory of engineering technology to the international tactics by practical models .

  27. 本文运用技术经济学中的年金法,探讨了在技术进步条件下对设备更新周期的影响,给出了设备经济寿命的一般数学模型及最适解的表述形式。

    The annuity method is used to discuss the influence on the cycle of equip-ment renovation under the condition technological progress .

  28. 本文从技术经济学的观点分析国内外机械行业实际情况阐明机械维修工程学科的重要意义。

    The paper analyzes national and international situations of machinery industry for econotechnics to expound the importance of machinery maintenance engineering discipline .

  29. 依据工程技术经济学原理,对桥梁加固工程产生的经济效益作了研究,建立了经济效益的计算方法;

    On the ground of technical economy theories , the dissertation researches economic performance created by bridge strengthening and establishes calculating method .

  30. 有必要从技术经济学角度来开拓一门技术经济学分支学科&信息技术经济学。

    It is necessary to develop a new branch of technological economics , Information Technological Economics , on the view of technological economics .