
jiàn jiē tán pàn
  • indirect loss insurance
  1. 几天前,巴勒斯坦人同意与以色列进行间接谈判,现在,他们威胁取消。

    The Palestinians have threatened to cancel indirect negotiations , which they agreed to only a few days ago .

  2. 黎巴嫩和以色列将在美国的斡旋下,就陆地和海上边界问题间接谈判。

    Lebanon and Israel will begin indirect talks with the mediation of the United States for land and maritime border demarcation .

  3. 如果这轮停火能持续下去,就将为重启开罗间接谈判扫清障碍,开罗谈判的目的是达成长期停火协议。

    If it lasts , it will clear the way for the resumption of indirect talks in Cairo on a long-term ceasefire arrangement .

  4. 此次访问正值美国就伊朗与协议缔约国续签2015年核协议进行间接谈判之际。

    The visit comes amid indirect US talks on the renewal of the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and countries party to the deal .

  5. 旨在结束叙利亚近五年冲突的间接谈判步履艰难。日内瓦的谈判星期二进入第二天,双方相互指责缺少诚意。

    Fragile indirect negotiations to end Syria 's nearly five-year-old conflict went into a second day Tuesday in Geneva with both sides accusing each other of lacking good will .

  6. 以色列和叙利亚星期三都证实,双方正在土耳其官员的调停下举行间接和平谈判。

    Israel , Syria Confirm Holding Peace Talks Mediated by Turkey

  7. 巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯在接受以色列电视台采访时说,他愿意展开间接和平谈判。

    In an interview on Israeli television , Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he is ready to start indirect peace talks .

  8. 美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿星期五说,美国中东特使米切尔下周将返回中东地区,开始以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的间接和平谈判。

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell will return to the region next week to start indirect peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians .

  9. 以色列官员表示,他们不会同哈马斯进行间接停火谈判,并表明了以色列将按照自己的方式减少进攻行动的计划,该行动已经进行了近四周的时间。

    Israeli officials say they won 't participate in indirect cease-fire talks with Hamas and stance in Israel plans to scale back as its nearly four-week-old offensive in Gaza on its own terms .

  10. 在以色列和巴勒斯坦政府之间所谓的“间接”谈判是由巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯主导的,这标志着以美国为主的、为停滞的中东和平进程所做的努力向前迈进了一步。

    The start of the so-called " proximity " talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority , led by President Mahmoud Abbas , marks a step forward in U.S. - led efforts to revive the stalled regional peace process .