
  1. 1990-1995年,自治区地方预算内教育事业费累计投入10.3亿元。

    The investment in education within the local budget totaled 1.03 billion yuan from 1990 to 1995 .

  2. 调查结果显示,教育事业费、公用经费的供给不平衡是目前我国基础教育面临的最大难题;

    The results show that the imbalance of provision between education cost and public cost is the biggest problem Chinese basic education is faced with ;

  3. 地方各级人民政府按照国务院的规定,在城乡征收教育事业费附加,主要用于实施义务教育。

    In accordance with the provisions of the State Council , the local people 's governments at various levels shall levy a surtax for education , which shall be used mainly for compulsory education .

  4. 教育经费总量投入不足、初中教育经费负担结构不合理,导致江西省初中教育,尤其是农村初中教育生均教育事业费和生均公用教育经费严重偏低,直接制约了江西省初中教育的良性发展。

    Insufficiency total education fund investment and unreasonable burden structure of junior-middle-school education fund cause lower Jiangxi junior-middle-school education funds , especially rural junior-middle-school education industry cost and public education funds for students , which directly restrict the benign development of Jiangxi junior-middle-school education .