
  • 网络educational management;education management;education administration;Educational Administration;administration of education
  1. 对体育专业学生的教育管理引入“导师制”的思考

    Introducing Tutorial System into the Education Administration for Physical Education Majors

  2. 关于教育管理理论、实践及其关系的思考

    On the theory and practice of education administration and their relationship

  3. 各地教育管理部门以及高校均应开通热线电话提供资助信息。教育部特别提醒学生和家长:

    Education authorities and universities across the country are also required to open hotlines to provide information on financial aid .

  4. 从今年起,教育管理部门将对本科毕业论文进行抽检,以打击剽窃、代写及其他形式的学术不端行为。如何抽检?

    Starting this year , Chinese education authorities will institute random , ghostwriting , and other forms of academic misconduct .

  5. 东城区教育管理部门表示,未来三年,区内所有符合条件的教师都将参加轮岗。

    The new policy provides incentives is considered . Education authorities in Dongcheng district said all eligible teachers in the district would take part in rotations over the next three years .

  6. 基于Web的远程教育管理及其实现

    The management of web based distance education and its implementation

  7. 应用Velocity和J2EE构建基于WEB的远程教育管理系统

    Building a long-range education management system based on Web using Velocity and J2EE

  8. 各地区、各级学校都在不同层次上引入了教育管理信息系统(EducationManagementInformationSystem,简称EMIS),提高事务管理的效率。

    For improving the efficiency of management , many areas made use of EMIS ( Education Management Information System ), especially in some schools .

  9. 采用因子分析的方法,提取规模、结构、教育管理体制、招生方式、教学、就业指导作为分析和评价MBA教育的市场适应性的六个要素。

    By using factor analysis method , it puts forward six elements to analyze and evaluate MBA education 's market adaptability : scale , structure , education management system , way of enrollment , teaching , employment guidance .

  10. 针对我国高等院校当前教育管理体制下的优劣,提出引进ISO9000质量体系原理的管理理念,实现教育管理现代化,推进教育质量全面提高的一些设想。

    Based on the advantages and disadvantages in university under the educational management system in China , this paper introduces the management concept of ISO9000 quality system to realize educational modernization and to improve all round educational quality .

  11. 在EMIF的指导下,教育管理信息系统采用XML作为数据交换技术,以加强不同系统间的相互合作,提高教育信息管理效率。

    Under the EMIF instruction , the education management information system uses XML as the data exchange technology , which is helpful for strengthening the cooperation between the different systems to enhance the efficiency of education information management .

  12. 跨世纪我国教育管理学的研究重点

    The key to the research of China 's educational management science

  13. 论高校管理队伍中党员的教育管理

    On The Educational Management of Party Members of College Executive Team

  14. 知识论问题是教育管理研究的一个基本问题。

    The epistemological problems are essential to educational administration research .

  15. 浅谈中学班级管理中的美育中学班级教育管理工作探讨

    Some Ideas about Aesthetic Education in Middle School Class Management

  16. 西方高等教育管理中的管理主义述评

    Review of Managerialism in Higher Education Management in the West

  17. 浅谈新形势下师专学生的教育管理工作

    Education Management of the College Students Under the New Situation

  18. 教育管理工作中激励机制的研究

    Study of the Incentive Mechanism of the Management in Education

  19. 教育管理体制改革是教育改革的关键。

    Education management system is the key to education reform .

  20. 发达国家教育管理体制的改革

    The Reform of Education Administration System in Developed Countries

  21. 新的形势呼唤新的成人高等教育管理

    New Situation Calls for New Adult Higher Education Management

  22. 当代西方教育管理研究新思潮论析

    Analysis of New Thoughts in Contemporary Western Education Administration

  23. 理顺医学教育管理体制,完善运行机制。

    Management system concerning medical education should be further regulated for smooth operation .

  24. 高校合并重组是高等教育管理体制的深刻变革。

    College and university consolidation implies deep reform in higher education administrative system .

  25. 现代教育管理价值观初探

    Analysis of the Value Outlook of Modern Educational Management

  26. 校本管理是现代学校教育管理的新模式之一。

    School-based management is one of the new patterns in modern school management .

  27. 我院研究生教育管理的改革与思考

    Pondering Over Reform in Educational Management of Graduate Students

  28. 关于教育管理的四对矛盾的理性思考对创造教育能力的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on Four Contradictions of Educational Management in Primary and Middle Schools

  29. 构建综合信息服务平台实现教育管理的现代化

    Construct Comprehensive Information Service Platform Realize Educational-Management Modernization

  30. 价值论与整合论:外国教育管理学理论的新进展

    Value Theory and Naturalistic Coherentism : Recent Development of Theories in Overseas Educational Administration