
  • 网络rent-seeking;Power Rent-seeking;Rent Seeking
  1. 权力寻租的特点及遏制对策

    Characteristics and Restraint Countermeasures of Power Rent-Seeking

  2. 论治理权力寻租的对策

    The Ways of Administering the Power Rent-seeking

  3. 股权分置与大股东权力寻租的治理

    Stock Right Disposition and Administration of Big Shareholder 's Power Seeking and Renting

  4. 论权力寻租及其法律制约

    On the Law Restrict Rent-looking of the Power

  5. 增加官员权力寻租的成本。

    And this method can increase the cost of rent-seeking of the officials . 7 .

  6. 人情面子下的权力寻租及其矫治

    Research on Power Rent-Seeking Behavior and its Correction under " Human Feelings and Face "

  7. 转型经济中的权力寻租问题探析

    On Rent-seeking with Power in Transitional Economy

  8. 土地市场和金融市场的权力寻租导致资源配置的扭曲,大量资金对投机性领域的渗透推动着泡沫的扩张;

    The rent seeking in the lank market and the finance market distort the resource collocation .

  9. 第三部门是对社会主义市场经济前提下的权力寻租入行剖析。

    The third part is to analyze of rent-seeking powers under the socialist market economy conditions .

  10. 律师主要是通过专业的知识、技能和经验对刑事裁判产生影响:依法辩护和权力寻租。

    Lawyers have an impact mainly through professional knowledge , skills , experience and so on .

  11. 教育寻租的表现是多样的,大致可以分为权力寻租和制度寻租两大类。

    The manifestation of educationalrent-seeking is different , which can roughly be divided into two categories ?

  12. 权力寻租;

    The rent-seeking to power ;

  13. 希望以此规范四川省省级政府投资建设工程的管理,并有助于在四川省省级政府投资建设工程管理过程中,制约权力寻租,提高管理效率和水平。

    A best wish that it help the government improving efficiency on managing construction invested by government .

  14. 在我国社会转型时期,权力寻租对正处于现代化建设的社会经济发展有着巨大的危害。

    It contains the great harmfulness for the economic development of the Chinese society which is building modernizations .

  15. 信息非对称是行政体系的职位竞争中形成权力寻租的主要原因。

    Information asymmetry is the main reason for power seeking-rent of position competition of ( administrative ) system .

  16. 同时文中还对日益严重的媒体权力寻租和滥用提出了控制的初步设想。

    Furthermore , this article puts forward a primary control pattern of increasingly serious rent and abuse of media power .

  17. 第二部门是关于社会主义市场经济前提下的权力寻租题目的基本分析。

    The second part is the basic analysis about the rent-seeking power under the condition of socialist market economy society .

  18. 公司内部治理水平的提高、外部产品市场竞争的加剧,可以有效地制约管理者在投资过程中的权力寻租行为,提高企业的投资效率。

    Higher efficiency of corporate governance and competition of external product market can exert effective restriction effect on managerial power .

  19. 因权力寻租引发房产市场风险、地产市场风险等,比如说高房价。

    Because of " power rent-seeking " trigger housing market risk , real estate market risk , such as high prices .

  20. 再次,环境自愿协议的监督和评估一定要做到位,否则该项制度就为权力寻租提供了天地。

    Again , supervision and evaluation of environmental voluntary agreement must do bit , otherwise this system provides occasion for power rent-seeking .

  21. 制约权力寻租最有效的方法是法律制约,但是法律制约权力寻租还必须有合适的环境为支撑。

    The law is the most effective to restrict rent-looking of the power , but it must have a suitable environment to sustain .

  22. 主要是对权力寻租的概念、现象进行科学的界定,并指出权力寻租对社会主义社会的影响等等。

    Including the concept of rent-seeking power , definition of the phenomenon and pointed out the impact rent-seeking powers to the socialist society and so on .

  23. 第四部门是从政治哲学的角度剖析社会主义市场经济前提下的权力寻租现象呈现的原因。

    The forth part is to analyze the cause of rent-seeking power which under the socialist market economy condition from the point of political philosophy views .

  24. 在现阶段,权力寻租现象比较突出、政府回应性差以及收入分配的严重不公都是政府公信力弱化的最直接的表现。

    At present , the weakening of public trust in government presented as power rent-seeking , the low government response as well as unfair income distribution .

  25. 其后果是不但不能有效控制污染物的排放量,还造成了环境资源低效率利用和权力寻租等问题。

    Then it did nothing to decrease the emissions of pollutants , but resulted in the inefficient use of environmental resources and rent-seeking on the contrary .

  26. 文章通过研究行政体系的职位竞争中权力寻租的形成机理,分析信息在寻租形成过程中的意义。

    By exploring the mechanism of power seeking-rent of position competition of ( administrative ) system , this study analyzes the significance of information during the seeking-rent forming .

  27. 而且规划修改过程中也存在着一些侵犯公民权益和权力寻租的丑恶现象。

    At the same time , existence also lets some infringe upon citizen rights and interests and authority looking for the vile practices hiring in plan modification process .

  28. 缩小差距的对策,应是深化体制改革,规范市场秩序,钳制权力寻租,确保大多数人收入的增长。

    The countermeasures for it is to narrow the gap , deepen system reforms , regulate the market , control power abuse and increase the income of most people .

  29. 研究表明:体育中介组织对提高市场主体的交易效率、维护公平竞争、避免权力寻租行为具有积极的意义。

    The research shows that the sports agencies are of great significance on raising efficiency of transaction and ensuring fair play and avoiding corruption related to power awarded by government .

  30. 然后对权力寻租的根源从思想、机制和现实三个方面进行分析,进而提出了一些应对的办法:通过教化,弘扬人性善的一面,从思想深处根除权力寻租;

    Then it analyzes the source of seeking rent with power from thought , mechanism and reality , put forward some proposals and carries forward good and kind human nature with education .