
  • 网络Mortgage of Rights;right mortgage
  1. 权利抵押权以价值为核心,并不直接支配物,将用益物权、准物权作为权利抵押权的客体,以它们的交换价值来担保债权,也是对物(资源)间接利用的一种方式。

    Right hypothec regard value as core , control thing directly , usufruct , allow real right regard object , right of hypothec as , it is a way to utilize indirectly to the thing ( resources ) too to assure creditor 's rights with their exchange value .

  2. 从立法比较研究上看,承包人的权利当属法定抵押权的范畴。

    In accordance with comparatively legislative study , the contractors rights should belong to the category of legal mortgage .

  3. 第三部分,通过比较按揭与所有权保留、权利质押、抵押、让与担保的异同,认为我国房地产按揭的法律性质应定位于让与担保。

    Thirdly , by comparing the similarity and difference between mortgage and ownership reservation , pledge , charge and release , the author drew the conclusion that the legal character of mortgage in Chinese real estate industry orients to release .

  4. 女人压根儿就没有权利懂得什么叫抵押嘛。

    A woman had no business even knowing what a mortgage was .

  5. 但是,以登记作为债权质权的公示方式,带来了权利质权与权利抵押权如何区分,权利质权如何界定等一系列理论困扰。

    However , if the pledge of obligation must be registered , it will result in a series of problems such as how to distinguish the right impawn and mortgage .

  6. 此权利优先于一般抵押权,但在与预售商品房请求权发生冲突时,应不允许承包人行使建设工程优先受偿权。

    This right take precedence of the ordinary hypothecation , but when it occurs conflict with the claim of advance sales of commercial housing , the contractor can not be permitted to exercise the priority to repayment authority in construction project .

  7. 说明了银行债权系主权利、根本性权利,而抵押权和保证债权都是担保权,系从权利。

    Description of the main creditor banks of the rights , fundamental rights , and mortgages are secured creditors and guarantee the right of the right .

  8. 在权利质权制度无法自圆其说的情况下,建立一个以权利抵押权制度为核心的权利担保制度;

    In a situation that can 't justify oneself in right system of the right quality , set up a system of guaranteeing central right with hypothec system of the right ;

  9. 当今大陆法系各国将权利担保按照标的权利的不同划分为权利质权和权利抵押权,此种划分方式在理论和实践中都带来了一定的混乱。

    In continental law system , security of right is divided into pledge of right and mortgage of right according to different rights as object . This kind of division brings chaos into theory and practice .

  10. 收费权质押是一种具有独立性的新型权利质押,应该单独把它列为一种不依附于其他权利质押或抵押的质权。

    The charging rights pledge is a pledge of independence of the new rights which should not separate it as a kind of pledge or other rights attached to pledge collateral .

  11. 实践中在行使该权利时,应注意其应具备的条件,以及正确处理当同该建设工程上存在的其他权利如抵押权、房屋买受人的权利并存时的冲突问题。

    While exercising this right in practice , we should pay attention to its required conditions and try to settle the conflicts arose during the process such as the conflicts with the right of mortgage and the buyer 's right concerning this construction project .