
xún zū
  • rent seeking
  1. 基本建设项目寻租理论博弈分析

    Game analysis of construction project on the basis of rent seeking theory

  2. 租金的存在,导致寻租活动的存在。

    The existence of rents results in rent seeking activities .

  3. 我们必须结束我们所倾向的寻租社会,即富人通过操纵制度获得利润的社会。

    We must end the rent-seeking society we have gravitated toward , in which the wealthy obtain profits by manipulating the system .

  4. 其次,租金交易成功,寻租人得以建立垄断地位,垄断进而引起社会福利损失和x非效率;

    Second , the rent-seeking part can establish monopolistic status if the deal succeed , which will then causes damage to social benefits and brings x-inefficiency ;

  5. 从我国已实施MBO的企业来看,在我国的MBO中大都存在着寻租行为。

    From the enterprises which have already implemented MBO , the MBO in our country exists mostly rent-seeking behavior .

  6. 对CEO薪酬、寻租与业绩的关系和董事会内生性两个方面不管是理论还是实证方面都取得很多研究成果。

    The research on the relationship of CEO pay , rent-seeking and corporate performance , the endogeneity of the board have been studied a lot both empirically and theoretically .

  7. 从以上双重维度,本文实证检验分析得出了重要的研究结论:在IPO市场中审计师的选择确实存在着寻租行为。

    From more than double the dimension , the empirical tests and analysis obtained an important conclusion : the existence of rent-seeking behavior in the IPO auditor choice .

  8. 过高的IPO抑价率会引发寻租活动,诱导市场投机行为,降低市场资源配置效率,对我国证券市场的发展极为不利。

    The high degree of IPO under-pricing would trigger rent seeking , induce market speculation , and decrease market resource allocation efficiency , which is a potential threat to the development of the Chinese stock market .

  9. 对此,本文以寻租理论的视野,来分析研究我国MBO过程中的寻租行为,并力求找出抑制我国MBO寻租行为的策略。

    Therefore , the article tries to analyze and study the rent-seeking behavior in the progress of MBO with The Rent-Seeking Theory , so as to find some ways to hold back the MBO rent-seeking behavior in our country .

  10. 为了防范和遏制交易过程中的腐败行为,HT县进行了一系列公共资源市场化改革探索,力求阻断公共权力的寻租链条,确保公共资源的公共性与服务功能。

    In order to prevent and curb corruption in the transaction process , HT County conducted a series of Marketization Reform of public resources , strove to block the chain of rent-seeking public power to ensure the publicity and service functions of public resources .

  11. 这种资金囤积可能反映出合理的谨慎,但asr表示,如果这种现象持续下去,政府可能会开始指责大企业的“寻租”行为,甚至会惩罚那些被认为积累了“过量”现金的企业。

    The hoarding could reflect justifiable caution but if it persists , ASR suggests , governments may start accusing large companies of " Rent-seeking " behaviour and may even penalise those that are seen to have accumulated " excessive " cash .

  12. 我国土地征用的制度性寻租问题研究

    Study on Institutional Rent - Seeking of Land Requisition in China

  13. 公共政策的非公共化:寻租的影响

    The Diminishing Publicness of Public Policy : the Effect of Rent-seeking

  14. 国有商业银行运营中的寻租问题研究

    On the Rent-Seeking Activities in the Running of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  15. 西方寻租理论与我国石油内部市场

    Occidental Rent-Seeking Theory and the Chinese Petroleum Industry 's Internal Market

  16. 寻租与治租:一种效用模型分析法

    Seeking for and Restraining Leasing : An Utility Model Analysis Method

  17. 试论媒体寻租行为对媒介生态的破坏

    Analyzing the damage of the " rent-seeking activity " to media-ecology

  18. 产权、寻租与保护价收购粮食探讨

    Property Right , Rent Seeking and Buying Wheat by Protected Price

  19. 寻租理论为会计研究提供了新的视角。

    Rent-seeking theory offers a new visual angle for accounting research .

  20. 转轨时期我国民间审计市场寻租活动研究

    A Study on Rent-Seeking Activities on China 's Independent Audit Market

  21. 我国城市土地出让的寻租与博弈分析

    The Game of Rent Seeking in China 's City Land Lease

  22. 我国经济转轨时期寻租的因素分析

    Analysis of the Rent-seeking Factors in the Economic Transition Period

  23. 融资成本、寻租行为和企业内部资本配置

    Financing Cost , Rent Seeking and Capital Allocation inside Firms

  24. 贿赂是在不正当寻租中作为为公权力对价的不正当报酬。

    Bribery is the illegal consideration in the process of illegitimate rent-seeking .

  25. 武器装备采办中的寻租行为分析及防范对策

    Analysis on Rent-seeking Behaviors in Weapon Equipment Acquisition and Countermeasures

  26. 寻租理论是公共经济学中的一个流行主题。

    Rent seeking theory is a popular topic in the commonality economics .

  27. 中国经济领域制度性寻租行为剖析

    Analysis of Institutional Rent-seeking Activities in China 's Economic Fields

  28. 工程监理寻租行为博弈分析

    Game Analysis and Countermeasures of Engineering Supervisors ' Rent-seeking Action

  29. 零基预算中的设租-寻租问题分析

    An analysis of rent-setting and rent-seeking in zero base budget

  30. 政府经济学中的寻租理论研究

    A Study of the Rent Seeking Theory in Government Economics