
  • 网络Investigation outline;Exploratory Scenario
  1. 施工调查前应查阅设计文件和相关资料,制定调查提纲。

    Prior to the construction investigation , the design document and relevant information shall be studied and an investigation outline shall be formulated .

  2. 并对火成角砾岩的研究方法与手段作了探讨,提供了一份详细的野外调查提纲。

    Besides , a effective methods of how to study igneous breccia & a detail manual of field geologic survey is provided .

  3. 本文正是由上述研究热点和薄弱环节两个方面入手,设计中学化学多媒体课堂上师生互动的调查问卷和访谈提纲。

    This paper is studied by the two aspects above-mentioned and design the questionnaire and interviews about teacher - student interaction on the multi-media chemistry class in high school .

  4. 文章基于改进后的沟通定量评价方法,设计出调查问卷和访谈提纲,对中央政府机关管理中的沟通问题进行了全面、客观的调查。

    Through questionnaire and interview designed on the basis of improved communication quantitative e-valuation method , the authors made a comprehensive and objective survey concerning communication issues in the central government .

  5. 先将小学英语教学的特点、激励教育和马太效应做了一一阐述,从而得出研究中开发调查问卷和访谈提纲的依据。

    At first , the characteristics of primary English teaching , incentive education and the effect of Matthew are elaborated one by one . From these theories , the questionnaires and interview outlines in this study are developed .

  6. 并在此基础上,归纳出一些可以借鉴的理论和方法,确定本研究的对象、内容、方法、指标以及调查问卷和访谈提纲。

    And on this basis , summed up some of that we can draw on the theory and methods , this study identified the target , content , methods , indicators and survey questionnaires and interviews outline . 2 .

  7. 其次,根据班级社会学理论设计调查问卷、访谈提纲以及课堂观察表,调查了中职校学业不良学生的学业现状以及影响因素。

    It discusses the relationship between classroom sociology and students with learning disabilities . Secondly , based on Classroom Sociology , we design questionnaire , interviews and class observation form . Investigate influencing factors and the academic status of learning disabilities students in secondary vocational schools .

  8. 为了研究流动学生的学业成就的表现以及社会资本对其学业成就的影响,特设计中学生学业成就及影响因素调查问卷与访谈提纲。

    In order to find the performance of the students ' academic achievement and the influence of social capital on the academic achievement , the questionnaire and interview outline are designed with the title of " A Questionnaire on Middle School Students ' Academic Achievement and Its Influence Factors " .

  9. 该文设计的软件可以方便地处理《方言调查字表》、《壮语方言调查提纲》以及用户自制的调查表中的语音材料。

    The software we designed is able to process ' Dialect Character Form ' and ' The Outline of Zhuang Dialect Investigation ' and voice materials in the investigation forms made by users themselves .

  10. 宪政编查馆和修订法律馆为完成商法典的编纂计划,决定举行全国性商事习惯调查,设立专门机构,编写调查提纲,并取得了丰硕的调查成果。

    The office of organizing and investing constitutional policy and the office of amending law , in order to accomplish the program of commercial codification , decided to celebrating an national investigation on commercial tradition , setting up special organizations , compiling investigation syllabus , and achieved plentiful harvest .

  11. 第三部分通过明确调查目的,选择调查对象,设计调查问卷和访谈提纲,进行实证研究。

    The fourth part is the research design . At first , the purpose of the survey and its objects are discussed . Then a questionnaire and an interview syllabus are designed .

  12. 调查结束后,按照熟悉并理解原始材料、按调查提纲将资料进行分类、总结并综合结果、撰写报告的顺序整理与分析资料。

    After the research , treated and analyzed the data under the sequence of be familiar with and understand the data , classify the data under the research list , summarize and integrate the outcome , and write the report .