
  • 网络long-term unemployment rate;long-run unemployment
  1. 隐满了长期失业率蹿升的官方失业率创下战后记录。

    The official jobless rate conceals a surge in long-term unemployment to a postwar record .

  2. 政府在引进技术工人来填补技术工短缺的政策上遭到工会激烈反对后,改变了其解决居高不下的长期失业率的策略。

    Stung by a union backlash on the important of workers to meet shortages , the government is changing the operation of its scheme in an attempt to shift the stubbornly high levels of long-term unemployment .

  3. 凯恩斯主义政策仅仅证明了预算赤字越来越大和通胀率上升的合理性,直到决策者明白,它只会导致长期失业率的攀升。

    Keynesian policy merely justified ever larger budget deficits and higher inflation , until policymakers understood that it led only to higher permanent unemployment .

  4. 因此,长期失业率不受通货膨胀影响,它只由劳动力市场的运转决定。

    As a consequence , the long-run rate of unemployment is not affected by inflation but only determined by the functioning of the labor market .

  5. 欧洲就业战略就是这种探索的一个集中体现。本文首先着重分析了欧洲三十年来劳动力市场的显著特征:就业增长缓慢,失业率居高不下,长期失业率比重高,青年失业严重;

    This paper explores the prominent features of labor market in Europe over the past 30 years : slow employment growth , high unemployment rate , large proportion of long-term unemployment rate , and serious unemployment of young people .

  6. 并非如此。在欧盟内部,贫困和收入不均程度最低,以及长期失业率最低的国家,都是丹麦。该国拥有竞争性的产品市场,以及一些限制性最弱的劳工法律。

    No. The nation with the lowest levels of poverty and income inequality in the EU , as well as the lowest rate of long-term unemployment , is Denmark – a country with competitive product markets and some of the least restrictive labour laws .

  7. 长期以来失业率一直时起时伏。

    There have been peaks and troughs in the long-term trend of unemployment .

  8. 首先,由于衰退异乎寻常的严重,同时复苏异乎寻常的缓慢,美国正经历着前所未闻的长期高失业率。

    First , since the recession was unusually deep and the recovery unusually slow , the US is experiencing unheard-of long-term unemployment rates .

  9. 经济长期衰退,失业率也很高,这些使他的受欢迎程度降到了最低。

    Prolonged recession and high unemployment knocked his popularity down to rock-bottom .

  10. 美国正努力应对一个陌生的问题:长期的高失业率使劳动者技能降低,并导致大批劳动者退出劳动力市场。

    The country is grappling with an unfamiliar problem : long-term unemployment that erodes skills and drives disengagement from the labour force .

  11. 因此,测试结果可能已经为主导着欧洲经济的金融巨头注入了一些信心,进而可能会推动银行放贷,而这对于降低该地区长期居高不下的失业率十分必要。

    As a result , the tests may have instilled some confidence in financial giants that dominate Europe 's economy , which could then help jump-start the lending that is needed to reduce the region 's chronically high unemployment .

  12. 长期来看,高失业率伴以市场化改革,应该会推动名义工资下滑。

    In the long run , high unemployment , aided by market-oriented reforms , should drive down nominal wages .

  13. 美国长期增长疲弱和失业率高企,不仅会限制其它国家的出口市场,还可能导致误导的压力,要求采取保护主义措施以挽救美国就业。

    A prolonged period of weak growth and high unemployment in the US would not only constrain the markets for other countries ' exports , but could also lead to misguided pressure for protectionist measures to save American jobs .

  14. 伯南克指出,失业率依然远高于长期正常水平,不充分就业率和长期失业率依然远远过高。

    Mr Bernanke said the unemployment rate remains well above its longer-run normal level and rates of underemployment and long-term unemployment are still much too high .