
  • 网络yangtze river economic zone
  1. 建设长江经济带的战略意义

    Strategic Significance of Constructing Yangtze River Economic Zone

  2. 长江经济带开发对中部崛起的影响与对策

    The impact and Countermeasure of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Zone to the growing up of central area of China

  3. 长江经济带:行政区划VS流域一体

    The Yangtze River Economic Belt : Administrative System vs Regional Integrity

  4. 长江经济带空间结构的优化,首先要构建GCT机构模式以实现空间管理体制创新;

    In order to realize the optimization of spatial structure in Yangtze river zone , firstly , we must build GCT model to realize the innovation of spatial management system ;

  5. 保护水环境促进长江经济带的可持续发展

    Protecting water environment & promoting sustainable development of Changjiang economic belt

  6. 长江经济带物流发展与产业布局优化

    Research on Logistics and Industry Distribution in Changjiang River Economic Belt

  7. 长江经济带发展的态势分析

    Situation analysis on the developing of economic belt along Changjiang River

  8. 四川&长江经济带上的希望之星

    Sichuan Province ── The Hope of the Yangtze River Economic Belt

  9. 长江经济带联动发展的战略思考

    Strategical Thought on Interactive Development of Yangtse River Economy Belt

  10. 长江经济带开发与重庆市经济发展研究

    Develop the Yangtse River Economic Zone and Development of Chongqing

  11. 振兴长江经济带建成密集产业区

    Promotion of the Changjiang Economic Zone and Building of Concentrated industrial Zone

  12. 略论建设长江经济带

    A brief study on constructing the economic zone of the Yangtze River

  13. 《长江经济带可持续发展地图集》的内容设计

    Content design of the atlas of sustainable development in Changjiang Economic Zone

  14. 长江经济带合作发展探讨

    A New Study on the Cooperation and Development of the Yangtze Economic Belt

  15. 论长江经济带的区域经济发展和变化趋势

    Present Situation and Future Trend of the Regional Economy in Yangtze Economic Zone

  16. 基于电子出版系统的多媒体电子地图的设计与应用&《长江经济带可持续发展地图集》电子版的研制

    The Design and Application of Multimedia Electronic Map Based on Electronic Publishing System

  17. 长江经济带外向型经济发展特征分析

    Analysis on the features of the out-oriented economy in the Changjiang Economic Belt

  18. 长江经济带建设的可持续发展研究

    On the sustainable development of the construction of economic belt along Changjiang River

  19. 湖南区域开发对长江经济带支持作用初探

    On Supporting Role of Hunan Regional Development in Construction of Changjiang River Economic Zone

  20. 长江经济带区域经济发展差异及协调度的定量分析

    The Quantitative Analysis of the Regional Economic Disparities and Coordination Degree of the Yangtze Economic Zone

  21. 长江经济带大都市圈发展格局与竞争力分析

    An analysis of the developmental structure and competence of Metropolitan Economic Circle of Yangtze Economic Zone

  22. 文章从横向和纵向2个方面分析了长江经济带的联动发展。

    This paper analyses the interactive development of Yangtse River Economy Belt from vertical and horizontal angle .

  23. 长江经济带跨世纪发展的定位与思路寻找市场的兴奋点&关于2.5代移动通信技术及应用发展的思考

    Locating of function and thinking of the developing in Changjiang River Valley locating the stimulant for market

  24. 本文对湖南区域开发在长江经济带的地位和作用进行了较全面的分析。

    This paper discusses the role of Hunan regional development in the construction of Changjiang River economic zone .

  25. 国家产业政策与中国区域经济格局变化给长江经济带的跨世纪发展带来新的机遇。

    Chinese industrial policies and new regional economic patterns produce favorable circumstances to the development in Changjiang River valley .

  26. 京津冀协同发展、长江经济带建设取得重要进展。

    Significant progress was made in coordinated development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and in building the Yangtze Economic Belt .

  27. 浦东开发开放与长江经济带的跨世纪发展问题

    On the Development and Openning of Pudong and the Development to Be Carried Over to the Next Century of the Yangtze River Economic Belt

  28. 南通市处于沿海经济带与长江经济带T型结构的交汇点,在区位条件、投资环境和增长潜力上都具有独特的优势。

    Nantong locates at the cross of the coastal economic belt and the Yangtze River economic belt . It has unique advantages in its location condition , investment environment and growth potential .

  29. 最后通过比较上海和香港两港的集装箱吞吐量发展历史及腹地情况,得出如下结论:上海枢纽港的建设有长江经济带强大的腹地经济作依托,发展空间广阔,前景令人鼓舞。

    Comparing the yearly container throughputs and hinterlands between Shanghai and Hong Kong , we conclude that supported by the Yangtze River economic belt , Shanghai port has every possibility to be a container hub port .

  30. 长江经济带是世界最大的内河产业带和制造业基地,在我国社会经济发展中占有重要的战略地位。

    Areas along the mainstreams of the Yangtze River are the largest inland industrial districts and manufacturing industry bases in the world , which have played an important and strategic role in China 's social and economic development .