
cún xù ɡōnɡ sī
  • company that continues to exist
  1. 结合胜利油田实际情况,分析了存续公司的内外经营环境,并进一步采用SWOT战略分析法,研究了存续公司目前应采取的战略组合。

    The interior and exterior operating environment of the Remained Companies are analyzed according to the situation of Shengli Oilfield , and the tactic combination that should be implemented by the Remained Companies is researched adopting the SWOT tactic analytical method .

  2. 刍议胜利油田存续公司改制中的产权改革

    Reforming of Property Rights in Remained Companies of Shengli Oil Field

  3. 中石油存续公司财务管理模式初探

    A Tentative Discussion on the Financial Management Pattern of Unlisted Enterprises in PetroChina

  4. 经营多元化是存续公司的必然选择。

    The existence of a diversified operating company is the inevitable choice of survival companies .

  5. 存续公司资产处置方案探讨

    On Treatment of Remained Company Assets

  6. 激活存量资产提升资产质量努力拓展存续公司生存发展空间

    Activating stock assets and upgrading quality of the assets to develop room for the non-listing part COMPANY

  7. 存续公司是指中石油集团和中石化集团重组改制后留存的企业。

    Companies that continue to exist refer to enterprises that still exist after the restructuring of CNPC and Sinopec .

  8. 详细阐述了存续公司应达到的战略目标、要发展的战略重点和应采取的战略措施。

    It is elaborated about the strategic objective , the strategic emphasis and the tactic measurements that should be achieved , developed and implemented by the Remained Companies .

  9. 1999年,中国石油集团公司进行重组改制,公司成为中国石油集团存续公司的一部分,事权和职能发生了根本性的变化。

    According to the command of the reform of CNPC group , it became one of non-core company of CNPC group in1999.The power and function has been changed essentially .

  10. 存续公司生存与发展之探讨存续公司的经营要有所为有所不为

    Status of the non - listing business and measures that should be taken to survive and develop . Discussion on what the non-listing parts should do and not do

  11. 解散公司将终结存续公司的法人人格,不利于维护各方的利益,应当严格限制适用。

    However , dissolution will terminate the legal-person status of the existing corporation , which does not favor the interests of relevant parties , thus should be applied under strict restriction .

  12. 通过回顾历史、调查现状,找出了存续公司具有的问题,并对其原因进行了分析。

    Here , the problems existing in the Remained Companies are found out and the reasons that cause these problems are analyzed by reviewing the history and investigating the actuality of the Remained Companies .

  13. 并找出公司目前产业状况、产权状况、组织结构及其人力资源管理、财务管理方面存在的弊端,力图找到当前存续公司所存在问题的共性。

    It tries to pinpoint the disadvantages in industrial status , property right status , organizational structure and management of human resources or finance and to locate the universality intrinsic in current residual company .

  14. 研究认为,存续公司目前应选择的战略目标是:巩固油田内部市场,同时扩大社会市场,谋求参与国际合作与竞争。

    The research indicates that the strategic objective should be achieved by the Remained Companies is Consolidate the interior market in Shengli Oilfield and expand the exterior market in the same time to try for international cooperation and competition .

  15. 本文结合胜利油田存续公司经营多元化现状,以交易成本理论、公司治理理论、代理理论等为理论基础,运用胜利油田年鉴和相关统计和问卷调查资料的数据,探讨了国有存续公司经营多元化问题。

    In the paper , taking the transaction cost theory , corporate governance theory and agency theory as the theoretical basis , the problem of firm diversification in survival companies of Shengli Oilfield was investigated using the Yearbook of Shengli Oilfield and the related statistics and survey data .

  16. SARTIDa.d.,一家依据南斯拉夫联邦共和国法律成立和存续的公司

    " SARTID a.d. , a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia "

  17. 公司合并后,合并各方的债权、债务,由合并后存续的公司或者新设的公司承继。

    Following amerger , a takeover company or a company newly established as the result of a merger shall assume the debts receivable and debts payabel of the parties to the merger .

  18. 为了满足贷款申请资格,通用汽车必须被美国政府认可为“经济上可以存续”的公司,这个过程有望在接下来的几周内进行。

    To qualify for the money , it must be certified as'economically viable'by the U.S.government , a step that could happen within weeks .

  19. 通过本论文的研究,旨在探索一条国有存续企业通过进行公司创业与新产业孵化以促进其自身可持续发展的道路。

    This paper studies the corporate entrepreneurship and activities of hatching new industries in order to explore experiences for the state-owned remainder enterprises ' sustainable development .

  20. 根据了解会谈内情的人说,该公司最重要的谈判目标之一是,确保在交易达成后,《我的世界》的社区将得以存续,而且该公司较年轻的开发人员能保有自己的工作岗位。

    Some of the most important objectives for the company , according to people briefed on the talks , were ensuring that the Minecraft community would be preserved and that younger developers at Mojang would have jobs after a deal .