
  • 网络Existence Precedes Essence;Existence comes before essence
  1. 其一:存在先于本质。

    First , existence precedes essence .

  2. 萨特提出“存在先于本质”的命题,主张存在主义是一种真正的人道主义。

    Sartre argues that " Existence precedes essence ", and advocates that existentialism is really humanism .

  3. 存在先于本质是其核心;

    That the existence is before the essence is its core .

  4. 存在先于本质的命题包含有合理成分,但不是唯物主义命题;

    The proposition of existence 's priority over nature is not of materialism , despite its rational elements .

  5. 存在主义的基本命题是存在先于本质和人是绝对自由的;

    The basic viewpoints of the Existentialism are " Existence Precedes Essence " and " Freedom of Choice " .

  6. 既然存在先于本质,那么我们总能找到方法让自己的人生与众不同。

    Due to " existence precedes essence ", we can always find a way to make our own lives different .

  7. 然而,假如存在先于本质是真实的话,人就要对他自己负责。

    If , however , it is true that existence is prior to essence , man is responsible for what he is .

  8. 贝娄也认同萨特存在先于本质的说法,只是二者在自由观上存在一定差异。贝娄对萨特的亲共与反犹言论也极为不满。

    Bellow consents to the parlance of Sartre that existence is prior to nature , but there exists difference between them in terms of freedom .

  9. 作为存在主义理论的集大成者,萨特提出了存在先于本质、世界是荒谬的,人生是痛苦的和自由选择三大原则。

    As a master of existentialism , Jean-Paul Sartre put forward three principles : existence precedes essence , anguished life and absurd world ; freedom of choice .

  10. 萨特的存在主义哲学主要可以归纳为下面三点:一、存在先于本质;二、自由选择;三、世界是荒诞的。

    His philosophy can be mainly summarized as the following three points : ( 1 ) Existence precedes essence ; ( 2 ) Free choice ; ( 3 ) The world is fantastic .

  11. 着重介绍了萨特的存在主义思想以及本文涉及的主要概念:存在先于本质,自在,自为,自欺,时间观以及个人与他人的关系。

    Emphasis is put on the Sartrean existentialism and some of his main concepts : existence precedes essence , being-in-self , being-for-self , bad faith , value of time and the relations with others .

  12. 另一方面,由于主、客二分说不能把人视为存在先于本质的存在者,从而丧失了先于现象把握存在的可能性。

    On the other hand , since it does not look upon a human being as " a being prior to the essence ", the possibility of grasping the beingness prior to the phenomenon is lost .

  13. 本文试图以萨特的存在主义哲学为出发点,主要从自为、爱情、存在先于本质和非理性选择,理性接受等方面对该小说进行分析。

    Based on the Sartrean existentialist positions of " Being-for-itself ", " love ", " existence precedes essence " and " irrational choice and rational acceptance ", this thesis is going to make an existentialist articulation of the novel .

  14. 进言之,如果存在先于本质,而当我们存在的时候,我们也在创造我们的形象,则这个形象是适用于所有人类和我们所处的整个时代的。

    If , moreover , existence precedes essence and we will to exist at the same time as we fashion our image , that image is valid for all and for the entire epoch in which we find ourselves .

  15. 如果存在确实先于本质,就不可能用一种固定不变的人性来解释事物。

    If existence really does precede essence , there is no explaining things away by reference to a fixed and given human nature .

  16. 但是,如果存在真的先于本质,人是对自己的本性负责的。

    But if existence really does precede essence , man is responsible for what he is .

  17. 因为如果存在确是先于本质,我们就永远不能根据天赋和特殊的人性去解释自己的行为;

    For if indeed existence precedes essence , one will never be able to explain one 's action by reference to a given and specific human nature ;