
  • 网络STORAGE POINT;Save Point;saving point;Memory Spot
  1. 如果您使用的是虚拟机,那么应该获得了Windows系统的镜像作为快照,既可将其用作功能存储点,也可将其用作比较将来性能变化的基线。

    If you used virtual machines , you can capture an image of the Windows system as a snapshot , both to archive as a functioning save point and to use as a baseline to compare future performance changes .

  2. wp文件来存储点、线、面信息,其中包括空间信息和属性信息。

    Wp files which include spatial information and attributes information .

  3. 在自动运行期间,VMS将按照存储点自动运行,精确度为0.1度(角度误差),出错率为零。

    During automatic operation , the stored points are implemented by the VMS with an accuracy of0.1 degrees of angle-error-free !

  4. 通过粮食储藏过程中发热原因分析,提出预防措施,并总结区域各中储粮存储点在粮食保管中的经验,提出粮堆发热的处理措施。

    Through the analysis of causes of grain storing heat processing , thus present prevention resolution , meanwhile , conclude and summarize obtained experience in the prevention of heating in grain storage of different zones , make measures in dealing with storage heating .

  5. 结合滑动窗口和MBR方法实现子序列相似查询,在特征空间上利用MBR存储代替点存储,并采用R~+-树作为多维索引结构。

    Combining the methods of sliding windows and MBR , a kind of query based on subsequence similarity matching has been implemented , then we use MBR storage to take the place of dot storage in feature space and make R + - tree the multi-dimensional index structure .

  6. 本文提出了采用边信息结构来存储等值点,大大方便了等值线的追踪。

    The process of program design , this paper adopts edge-information structure which gives the convenience for isoline tracking .

  7. 提出通过使用存储服务点结合基于票据的访问控制的形式来实现广域范围类的单一用户身份认证并提高存储服务的效率。

    Based on SSP , an access control model integrating SSP with ticket-based access control was given which can be used to implement single-sign-on and improve the efficiency of storage service in wide-area storage .

  8. 在初始分割后,将图像的像素点分为两类:振动点和稳定点,并借助链表的数据结构存储振动点,每次迭代只对链表里面的振动点进行计算,以减少运算量。

    After the pre-segmentation of the image , image pixels are divided into two classes : the stable points and the vibrant points . The vibrant points are stored by a linked list . Only the vibrant points are dealt with in each iteration to reduce computation load .

  9. 它通过隔离485通讯从机车安全信息综合监测装置TAX箱获取机车的实时运行信息,与预先存储的分相点位置信息比较,判断机车是否到达分相点。

    It gets the real time running information through Isolated RS 485 communication with the TAX box and compares it with the splitting spots having been presented in the memory to judge whether the locomotive is in the splitting distance .

  10. 由于ODR使用的网络信息技术范围广、全方位且易于得到,并且依靠该信息技术所开发的信息管理系统不仅能够提供信息交换、存储、争点明确,甚至能够直接给出纠纷解决结果。

    With a wide range of information technology , comprehensive and easy to get , the information management system is not only able to provide information exchange , storage , a clear point of contention , and even be able to directly give the results of dispute settlement .

  11. 采用轮询存储法实现点对多点的无线数据传输

    Wireless data communication from-one-to-many using the method of querying and depositing in turn

  12. 折射率失配对双光子三维信息存储中信息点的影响

    Influence of refractive index mismatch on data bit in two-photon three-dimensional data storage

  13. 一直有人提议用它们进行量子数据存储——有点像隐形传输。

    They 've been proposed for quantum data storage , which is kind of like teleportation .

  14. 这显然比使用本地存储复杂一点。

    This is definitely a little more of a complex use case than the local storage one .

  15. 由于网络环境的复杂性,存储节点单点失效问题不可避免。

    Due to the complexity of network environment , it is inevitable for the problem of single-stored node failure .

  16. 提出了一种毛坯细分方法和存储每个细分点信息的数据结构。

    Present a method of subdividing rough workpiece and a kind of data structure to save information of each points .

  17. 另一项改变是,现在每条阴极射线管组成的“线”可以存储40个点,每条指令占用20个点。

    Another change was that each line on the cathode ray tube store now held forty spots , an instruction taking up twenty of them .

  18. 采用环形数据结构有效存储大规模数据点,通过计算点到平均平面的有限误差距离进行压缩点判别。

    It used ring data structure to save massive data effectively . Bounded error-distances from vertices to average plane were computed to find prime vertices for removal .

  19. 实现了三层光信息存储,信息点间距和信息层间距分别为4μm和15μm;

    Three layers optical data storage was realized , the two adjacent bits distance in each layer was 4 μ m and the two adjacent layers interval was 15 μ m.

  20. 通过对大同电网组网运行的故障记录分析系统的介绍和分析,给出了对该系统的基本技术要求,同时,对故障录波器数据的存储和故障点测距提出了建议。

    It introduces and analyses the fault recording and analysis system served for Datong network group . It presents several basic technological requirements of this system and gives personal opinions for its data storage and detection of the fault point .

  21. 通过周期性地刷新,他们能够在一个射线管上,存储2048个点,但最终他们只使用了1024个点,即32条线,每条线上有32个点。

    They had been able to store 2048 spots on the tube by the principle of regenerating them periodically , but in the end had settled on using just 1024 , arranged in thirty-two ' lines ' each of thirty-two spots .

  22. 实现色相图形文件的数据库存储、当前图片点的RGB值的获取和相关色相数据的数据库的存储。

    The RGB value retrieval of the current picture points and the hue-picture document database saving are implemented .

  23. 仍以我们的博客站点为例,存储信息的最佳点是在将博客类别格式化为对象,甚至是在格式化成HTML后。

    Using our blog example , the best point to store information is once you have formatted the blog categories as an object , or even after formatting into HTML .

  24. 如前所述,在本例的设置中,每个DS4500只有一个组,包含两个存储节点,两节点间的所有在DS4500上的磁盘都将被twintailed。

    As already described , in this setup there is only one group per DS4500 , containing the two storage nodes between which all disks on that DS4500 will be twin tailed .

  25. 在单次数据采集模式下,每个通道最高可存储8M个采样点;在乒乓模式下,8个通道采集回的数据将会实时传输到上位机上,因此可以实时监控外部信号。

    In the mode of uncontinuous data acquisition , every data channel can store sampling up to 8M ; In the mode of continuous data acquisition , we can achieve real-time monitoring for all of the data channels .

  26. 存储式磁阻多点连续测斜仪的研制

    Development of Magnetism Resistance Multi - shot Deviator of Memory Type

  27. 远程诊断以故障树分析为核心算法,建立了检测线的故障树模型,使用数据库来存储故障树知识点,建立了远程诊断系统。

    In this system , the database was used to save the fault knowledge and related information .

  28. 存储管理包含单点管理自动化以及针对数据库的统一页面大小。

    Storage management with a single point for administration automation and a uniform page size for the database .

  29. 在时序逻辑设计中,较好地解决了数据的存储、读取和点像元数据连续监测。

    Data storage , reading and continuous monitoring of point pixels have been well solved in design of time sequence logic .

  30. 作为所有企业数据存储的单一入口点,实现数据服务层的好处很多。

    As a single entry point to all enterprise data stores , the implementation of a data service layer has many benefits .