
guāng jì suàn jī
  • optical computer
光计算机[guāng jì suàn jī]
  1. 本文基于光计算机结构和算法必须以门一级并行为基础的观点,提出了可实现性能较好的光电混合SIMD型计算机的结构和以位平面数据表示为基础的并行算法。

    This paper , according to the viewpoint that the optical computer architecture and algorithms should be based on gate level parallel , proposed the architecture scheme of opto electronic hybrid SIMD computer ( OEHSC ) and parallel algorithms based on bit plane data presentation .

  2. 三值光计算机远程交互系统设计与实现

    Design and realization of remote interactive system of ternary optical computer

  3. 三值光计算机解码器的数据采集控制系统

    Data acquiring control system for decoder of ternary optical computer

  4. 三值光计算机基本原理和实验

    Principle & Experiment of Ternary Optical Computer ORBIT OF LIGHT

  5. 三值光计算机数据位资源的静态分配策略

    Static Allocation Strategy of Data-Bits of Ternary Optical Computer

  6. 三值光计算机理论正在逐步完善并走向实践。

    The theory of TOC is being improved gradually and stepped into practice .

  7. 互连网络是数字光计算机及并行电子计算机体系结构的重要研究课题。

    Interconnection networks are important issues in digital optical computing and parallel electronic computer architectures .

  8. 光计算机的研究与进展

    Development And Study on Optical Computer

  9. 光学器件与光计算机

    Optical Device and Optical Computer

  10. 三值光计算机用相互垂直的两个线偏振光和零光强三个独立的光状态表示信息;

    Two perpendicular polarized light states and a no-light state are applied to express information in the ternary optical computer .

  11. 实验证实了三值光计算机编码器与解码器原理的正确性和可行性。

    It is verified that the principle and feasibility of coder and decoder in ternary optical computer by the experiment .

  12. 光学矢量-矩阵乘法器是光计算机中最基本的一种功能部件。

    As the core of the optical processor , optical vector-matrix multiplier ( VMM ) is a basic optical device of the optical computer .

  13. 本文综述了目前可用于数字光计算机中的各种内连技术及其应用层次。

    This paper represents a view of present technologies for interconnection of optical digital computer , and of their applications for different levels in the computer .

  14. 分析了国际上多值逻辑研究的新动向,重点讨论了多值逻辑研究与分子计算机、光计算机及人工智能等研究领域的关系。

    Analysis of new trends of multiple-valued logic research in the world are given . The relationships between multiple-valued logic and molecular computer , optical computer and artificial intelligence are discussed in detail .

  15. 作为电子计算机的接续者,三值光计算机具有并行性更高、运算速度更快、能直接处理三值逻辑等优点,它可以处理二值电子计算机难于处理的许多问题。

    As a successor of electronic computer , Ternary Optical Computer has much more advantages , such as the higher parallelism , faster operation speed , and the ability to directly handle ternary logic .

  16. 该器件的带宽为200MHz,从而可使器件的时间带宽积达到1000,初步满足声光信号处理和声光光计算机的需要。

    The total bandwidth of this device reaches 200 MHz , resulting in a time-bandwidth product ( TB product ) of 1000 , which fulfils the elementary requirements of AO signal processing and AO optical computer .

  17. 作者在攻读硕士学位期间的主要工作是设计三值光计算机的若干关键部件并对之实验,主要有:一位和多位三值光信号编码器、解码器:三值逻辑运算器。

    The mainly working of the author in the master studying period is to design and implement some key components of ternary optical computer , it covers : coder and decoder multi-bit coder and decoder and ternary logical calculus .

  18. 本文介绍了在21世纪出现的生物计算机,分子计算机、光计算机、超导计算机和量子计算机,这些新型计算机将对未来产生重大影响的。

    Living things computer , molecule computer , optical computer , superconductivity computer and quantum computer appearing in 21 centuries the main body of a book has been introduced , these new model computers will produce significant effect 's to future .

  19. 三值光计算机是一种全新概念的光电混合型计算机,它将光强度与偏振方向结合起来表示三值信息,具有光运算、光传送、电控制和光电混合存储等特点。

    Ternary Optical Computer ( TOC ) is a new type of optoelectronic hybrid computer . Using the intensity and polarizations of light to express ternary information , TOC is of the characteristics of light processing , light transmission , electric control , optoelectronic hybrid memory , et al .

  20. 腰胸部X光以及计算机断层扫描结果显示四位患者有压缩性骨折……已进行后路椎体融合植入物固定手术……所有患者都恢复良好,除了一位颈椎骨折的患者。

    Examination of the thoracolumbar X-ray andcomputed tomography displayed compression fractures in four patients ... Posterior instrumentation was applied ... All patients recovered well exceptfor the one with cervical fracture .

  21. 图像相关识别器的光信号计算机实时处理

    The Computer Real-time Processing of Optical Information in Pattern Recognition Correlator

  22. 玻璃幕墙有害反射光的计算机模拟

    A Computer-aided Simulation of the Reflection Glare from Glass Curtain Wall

  23. 一维激光光场计算机分析系统

    Computer-analyzing System for One Dimensional Laser Field

  24. 随着结构光和计算机图形学的飞跃发展,基于结构光的三维测量与目标重建已经成为了计算机视觉的主要任务,工业、影视、军事和医疗等行业对其提出了迫切的要求。

    With the rapid development of structured light and computer graphics , three - dimensional ( 3D ) measurement and object reconstruction have been the major task of computer vision . They are required to develop much faster by industry , movies , military affairs and medical treatment .

  25. 该仪器可将手、腕不可见的X射线影像转变成可见光信号,计算机实现对该图像采集、分析。

    The equipment can transfer invisible shadow of the hand & wrist X-ray into video , and then the data can be collected and analyzed by computer .

  26. 介绍了波分复用(WDM)光传送网计算机辅助设计(CAD)工具。

    CAD tools of WDM optical transport networks are introduced . Key problems are analyzed in design of CAD tool for WDM optical networks .

  27. 本方法对平面光波导的计算机辅助设计(CAD)具有实际意义,可用于分析任意复杂结构的平面光波导。

    Furthermore , it is proved that this method is valid for planar optical waveguide structure , which can also be used as a powerful CAD tool in the analysis of arbitrary optical waveguide structures .

  28. 方法:16,26,40和55周自发性高血压大鼠(SHR),使肾内小动脉处于最大舒张状态后,在肾组织切片上用光镜配合计算机图像分析法观测肾内小动脉的几何形态。

    Methods : Under dilated conditions , the morphometry of the renal arterioles were studied microscopically on kidney slices combining computer assistant image analysis in 16 , 26 , 40 and 55 weeks of SHR .

  29. 镜面高光移除是计算机视觉中的一个热点问题,图像中的高光实际上是漫反射和镜面反射组合产生的。

    Specular highlight removal is a hot problem in computer vision .

  30. 多级光互连多计算机系统结构设计

    Design of architecture of multicomputers system with multi-stage optical interconnection