
  • 网络jia pingwa;Jia Ping wa
  1. 真实的乡村迷茫的情感&解读贾平凹长篇小说《秦腔》

    True Village Perplexed Feelings & Appreciating the long novel Qin Opera by Jia Pingwa ;

  2. 然而在中国当代文坛,作为独行侠和“鬼才”作家的贾平凹也有“一个自己的世界”&商州。

    According to Welleck 's theory , contemporary Chinese writer Jia Pingwa also has his own unique world-Shangzhou .

  3. 贾平凹近期小说对乡土文化的思考

    The Thought of Countryside Culture in Jia Ping-ao 's Temporary Fictions

  4. 贾平凹小说神秘性的审美探究

    Studies on the Mystical Aesthetic Appreciation in JIA Ping-wa 's Novels

  5. 贾平凹小说的现代内涵主要体现在三个方面。

    The modern intension of Jia 's novel has three aspects .

  6. 《秦腔》:贾平凹的新变

    " Qin Opera ": New Change of Jia Ping ′ ao

  7. 贾平凹《月迹》与散文意境:心诚·情真·境美

    Jia Ping-wa 's Moon 's Trace and Artistic Conception of Prose

  8. 贾平凹小说不讲究结构的精巧,而以散漫、拙厚、古朴显得大气。

    Jia 's novel do not strive for exquisite of structure .

  9. 贾平凹小说精神探索

    An Exploration into the spirit of Jia Ping-wa 's Novels

  10. 贾平凹是一个具有忧患意识的作家。

    JIA Ping_wa is an author full of botheration consciousness .

  11. 贾平凹早期散文的写作艺术

    Comment on the Writing Artistry of JIA Ping wa 's Early Prose

  12. 贾平凹的角色定位与自我身份认同

    Jia Ping-wa ′ s Role Location and Establishment of Self-identity

  13. 贾平凹散文中的时空意识其实就是一种生命意识。

    In his essay , the space-time consciousness is that of life .

  14. 西部散文与贾平凹散文创作

    West China Prose and Jia Ping-wa ′ s Literary Creation

  15. 贾平凹创作中的生态伦理思想

    Jia Ping-wa 's Ecological Ethic Thought in His Literary Creation

  16. 生存的忧虑&贾平凹精神人格分析

    Anxiety of Living & An Analysis of JIA Ping-wa 's Spirit Character

  17. 贾平凹小说神秘文化探源

    A Probe into Mystery Culture in JIA Ping-ao 's Novels

  18. 试论贾平凹散文中的时空意识

    Preliminary Discussion on the Space-Time Consciousness in Jia Ping-was Essay

  19. 贾平凹创作的自卑心理层面探源

    An Analysis of Psychological Inferiority in Jia Ping-ao 's Works

  20. 禅意下的水莲花&贾平凹散文解读

    A Lotus Shining with Chan & An appreciation of prose by jia

  21. 贾平凹的《秦腔》正表达了这种无望的精神回乡。

    Jia 's Shaanxi Opera expresses a hopeless spiritual return to the hometown .

  22. 贾平凹散文创作的审美追求

    Aesthetic Pursuit in Writing Process of Jia 's Proses

  23. 静:贾平凹生命与艺术境界之追求

    Quietness & the Ideal Jia Ping ' ao Seeks in Life and Art

  24. 本色与技巧的辩证&贾平凹《高老庄》的叙事特性

    The Dialectical Unity of the True Qualities and Techniques

  25. 突围与尴尬&我的阅读视野中的贾平凹

    Creation and Embarrassment ── JIA Ping-wa in my view

  26. 1990年代以来,贾平凹主要致力于长篇小说的创作。

    Since the 1990s , the novel focuses on the creation of Jia .

  27. 贾平凹以其独特的感知方式,构建了自己的艺术世界。

    Jia establishes a unique kingdom of art by this way of perceiving .

  28. 哈代与贾平凹创作的相关比较

    Related Comparison Between Hardy 's Writing and Jia Ping-wa

  29. 然后文章分析了贾平凹转变审美艺术视角的原因。

    Then the article analyse the reason for change .

  30. 从生殖与性中看贾平凹小说对人生命力的关注

    JIA Ping-wa 's Novel 's Prevenance on the Human Vitality Via Reproduction and Sex