
  1. 用改进的AR(p)与指数平滑组合模型预测油田产油量商州产大马士革玫瑰精油研究

    To Predict Oil Production By The Developed Combined Prediction Approach of Auto-regressive and Exponential Smoothing

  2. 采用iso9842:2003玫瑰油标准,对陕西商州引种的保加利亚主栽玫瑰品种kazanluk精油进行分析。

    With iso9842:2003 rose essential oil standard , the essential oil of kazanluk , which , a dominant rose variety in bulgaria , was introduced into Shangzhou prefecture , shaanxi , china , was assayed .

  3. 商州市金矿区位于北秦岭造山带与中秦岭造山带接合部的北秦岭南部边缘。

    The gold deposit of Shangzhou city is located at the southern border Beiqinling .

  4. 陕西商州地区是古代重要的产银区,史籍中有着丰富的银、铅矿信息。

    The Shangzhou Region of Shanxi province is an important silver-producing region in ancient times .

  5. 深受商州地域文化影响的巫鬼化民俗。

    Shang Zhou regional culture leading to features of " Witchcraft and evils " folklore ;

  6. 大部分学生讲英语时带着浓重的商州口音,甚至经常会有发音错误。

    Many of them speak English with strong accent and some even make pronunciation errors .

  7. 然而在中国当代文坛,作为独行侠和“鬼才”作家的贾平凹也有“一个自己的世界”&商州。

    According to Welleck 's theory , contemporary Chinese writer Jia Pingwa also has his own unique world-Shangzhou .

  8. 他的思维基质是感应思维,一种源于商州民间信仰文化的濡染的,与“灵&实”关系选择密切相关的审美认知方式。

    The basis for his thinking is responsive thinking , which derives from the influence of the folk faith in Shangzhou Region .

  9. 第二部分将研究目光转向王禹偁商州之贬前后的心路历程与诗风变化。

    On discussing the poems of Shangzhou , the paper expands on the two sides of content change and the style change .

  10. 商州文化作为秦文化的子系统,具有秦文化的浑朴厚重和楚文化的神秘奇幻。

    Shangzhou Culture serving as a branch of Qin culture has both the simplicity and honesty of Qin culture and the mysterious wonderfulness of Chu culture .

  11. 因此,当她得到家乡陕西省商州一个中国银行分行的工作时,她的开心溢于言表。家乡是个远离喧嚣的地方。

    She was clearly happy to get an enviable offer from the Bank of China in her hometown , Shangzhou , a quite place in Shaanxi province .

  12. 以2001年对四个国定贫困县(四川渠县、贵州威宁、甘肃通渭和陕西商州)的582户农户的调查数据进行实证研究。重点分析贫困地区劳动力农业劳动时间和家务劳动时间的影响因素。

    We use the investigation data of 582 households in 4 poor counties ( Quxian , Weining , Tongwei and Shangzhou ) to study the kinds of working hours .

  13. 并以此为基点,着重论述“商州诗”在王禹偁个人诗歌创作乃至宋代诗歌史上的四大意义:强调文学所具有的独立价值;

    Later , it discusses the significance of the Shangzhou poems on Wang Yucheng 's personal poetic creation and the poem history : it emphasizes that the literature has the independent value ;

  14. 巴克和商州野狼虽然野性难驯,但都代表了强悍的生命力,它们有着相似的人性化感情。

    Though it is not easy to tame the wild nature of Buck and the wild wolves in Shan Zhou , they represent the strong vitality . They have similar humanized emotions .

  15. 第二阶段写贾平凹在理想的激情平静以后,返回到商州走上寻根之旅,引发其散文创作在文坛上的巨大反响。

    The second stage in writing of the ideal jia ping-wa passion , return to " peace " to " roots " bakeries , its journey in the literary world in prose creation huge response .

  16. 《商州初录》是商州系列小说在文坛上真正产生影响的奠基之作,《浮躁》是这个系列的代表之作。

    The First Record of Shangzhou , which lays the groundwork for " the Shangzhou Series " and exerts an important influence on the literal circle , and Impetuosity are the reprehensive works of this series .