
  • 网络shǐ l
军吏 [jūn lì]
  • [military officer] 军官,主要指下层小官

  • 东向而朝军吏。--汉. 刘向《列女传》

  • 尽以与军吏士大夫。

  1. 汉唐时期的军吏

    " Army 's Official " of the Period in Han and Tang Dynasties

  2. 吴简中的军吏与刘宋时期始兴郡大田武吏无必然联系,后者是地方武装性质的兵而非吏。

    It has no certain relation with the soldiers of local armed forces in the Liu-Song Period .

  3. 军吏在吴简中的六种吏民中,其待遇、地位等同或略高于普通农民和卒,而低于士、复民和吏。

    The li in the army in the Wu slips is equal or somehow higher than the common peasants and soldiers , but lower than scholars and officers .

  4. 军吏涵义在先秦时指军队中除士兵之外的各级军官,战国时期层级有所下移,指将军以下的中下级军官。

    The meaning of li in the army refereed to the different ranks of officers except the soldiers during the pre-Qin period , and refereed to the officers of middle and low ranks below the general .

  5. 隋唐五代,军吏仍为介于军将和士卒之间的一个群体,但较两汉魏晋南北朝时期在范畴、作用、地位上发生了某些变化。

    Sui , Tang and Five Dynasties " army 's official " still for lie between " general " and " soldier ", but relatively some changes have taken place in the category , function , position .

  6. 第三部分分别讨论将领、军吏、士卒等构成军队三大组成部分,廓清军人群体的基本范围,其中涉及秦汉军制的运转及演变。

    The third part discusses constitution army three big constituents separately and such as military officer , armed forces government officials , soldiers , cleaning up the serviceman community the basic scope , involving the Qin and Han Dynasty military system the revolution and the evolution .