
wǔ shì yǒnɡ
  • warrior figure
  1. 那铠甲上最小甲钉甚至武士俑的头发胡子都丝丝可见。

    Even the nails on the suits and the hair and beards of the soldiers are carefully detailed .

  2. 魏晋南北朝时,出现了披铠挂甲的武士俑。

    In the Wei , Jin , the Northern and Southern dynasties , soldier warriors with armor and helmets appeared .

  3. 本文以魏晋南北朝时期墓葬中武士俑为对象,利用考古类型学的方法,从武士俑的造型、制作工艺、铠甲、服饰等方面着手,考察其源流、发展、演变的过程。

    By using the methods of archaeological typology , from the shape of the warriors , production technology , armor , costumes and other aspects , the study of its origins , development and evolution of the process .