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  1. 武强年画以其产地在河北武强而得名。

    New Year Picture of Wuqiang is named after Wuqiang , its productive land .

  2. 武强年画全部为手工工艺,制作采用木版水色套印而成。

    All the Wuqiang New Year Woodblock Engravings , a type of watercolor block printing , belong to handicrafts .

  3. 据史志记载,武强始于夏商时期,正式建制于两汉。

    Shi , according to records , the Xia and Shang Dynasties period began Wuqiang officially formed in the Han Dynasty .

  4. 武强年画历史悠久、品种繁多,是民间年画中的佼佼者。

    Wuqiang New Year pictures have a long history and wide variety , is the leader in the civil New Year pictures .

  5. 年画的四大产地分别是苏州桃花坞,天津杨柳青,河北武强和山东潍坊。

    Four producing areas of New Year Print are Taohuawu of Suzhou , Yangliuqing of Tianjin , Wuqiang of Hebei and Weifang of Shangdong .

  6. 南京武强实业有限公司厂区座落在环境优美,交通便捷的国家级开发区南京江宁经济技术开发区。

    Nanjing Wuqiang Industrial Co. , Ltd locates in national-level development zone-Nanjing Jiangning Economic & Technic Development zone , which is beautiful and has convenient traffic .

  7. 它在制作工艺、生产方式和销售方式上都发生了变化,对武强及其周围的经济产生了重要影响。

    It changed a lot in the aspects of making technology , mode of production , and marketing method , which influenced the economy of Wuqiang and around .

  8. 本文立足于对武强年画打造文化品牌策略,针对其视觉语言再设计做出深度的研究。

    This thesis was based on Wuqiang folk pictures to build on the " cultural brand " strategy , for its visual language redesign to make depth research .

  9. 在国家对非物质文化遗产活态传承的极大重视和扶持背景下,武强县实施了文化大县和文化产业的发展战略。

    At the state intangible cultural heritage of great importance and support background , Wuqiang implemented the " culture of the county " and " cultural industry " development strategy .

  10. 武强县辖3个镇、3个乡:武强镇、街关镇、周窝镇、豆村乡、北代乡、孙庄乡。

    Wuqiang County town of jurisdiction , 3 Rural : Wuqiang town , Town Street , Waterloo Town Week , beans Village , North Township , on behalf of Sun Township .

  11. 在近代,武强年画业因战乱和资本主义生产方式的侵入而生产萎缩,但是总的趋势依然是发展的。

    The chaos of war and the invasion of capitalist mode of production made the production of industry of New Year picture of Wuqiang shrink , while it still showed the developing trend .

  12. 通过对武强年画相关资料的整理,界定衍生品与产品、再创作与再设计的概念,由此确定研究的范围是在与武强年画衍生品相关的视觉语言再设计上。

    By Wuqiang folk pictures collation of relevant information to define derivatives and products , re-creation and re-design concept , which determined the scope of the study was in connection with Wuqiang folk pictures derivatives related to the visual language redesign .