
wǔ shēng
  • an actor playing a martial role in Chinese operas;actor for a manly role in Chinese operas;man playing martial role
武生 [wǔ shēng]
  • [actor for a manly role in Chinese operas;man playing martial role] 扮演有武术男子的戏曲生角

武生[wǔ shēng]
  1. 作为这一关注的一个重要成果,章武生教授的新作《民事简易程序研究》回答了简易程序的一些基本问题,并对我国民事诉讼简易程序的改革提出了系统的方案。

    As an important trend , Professor Zhang Wusheng 's civil summary procedure answered some essential questions of summary procedure , and proposed a comprehensive recommendation of its reform .

  2. 高阳昆曲擅长演净、武生、老生等剧目,以武打见长,唱念加入了当地方言土音,脸谱、服装、音乐伴奏也有独到之处。

    Gaoyang Kunqu good at his net , Wusheng bones , and other repertory , and to martial arts and due praise to join the local dialect Du Yin , mask , clothing , music also independence Road Department .