
  • 网络Preparation for Military Struggle;military struggle preparation
  1. 谈科学发展观与军事斗争准备财务保障

    Scientific development viewpoint and the financial support of military struggle preparation

  2. 着眼全局统筹财力努力做好军事斗争准备财务保障

    On the financial support in military struggle preparation

  3. 从新时期军事斗争准备需求出发,为加强部队医院护理质量管理建设,提高战时应急能力和救护水平,率先在护理质量管理体系中全面启动ISO标准。

    In order to enhance nursing qualities and improve the emergency and rescue abilities during the war time , Xijing Hospital initially generated the ISO9000 standards into nursing management .

  4. 紧贴军事斗争准备实际不断提高依法管财理财的质量和效能

    On improving the quality and efficacy of the financial management

  5. 在军事斗争准备中军队要树立科学的积累观

    Acquiring a sense of scientific accumulation in preparing for the military struggle

  6. 以军事斗争准备任务牵引机动卫勤分队建设

    Construction of Mobile Medical Squad in Accordance with War Preparedness

  7. 联合作战是我军军事斗争准备的主要作战样式。

    United battle is main style of battle for PLA in the future .

  8. 反分裂军事斗争准备是我军当前的头等大事。

    At present the preparation for military conflict with Taiwan is our top priority .

  9. 构建财务风险管理机制提高军事斗争准备财务保障效益

    On establishing the mechanism of financial risk management to improve the benefit of financial support

  10. 军事斗争准备对国民经济动员的要求及对策

    Requirements of the preparation for military struggle on the national economic mobilization and the Countermeasures

  11. 立足打赢信息化条件下局部战争,拓展和深化军事斗争准备。

    Aiming to win local wars under the conditions of informationization and expanding and intensifying military preparedness .

  12. 电子信息系统能否尽快形成作战能力,对做好军事斗争准备具有重要影响。

    Whether the electronic information system can form combat capability quickly will greatly influence the military conflict preparation .

  13. 四是扎实做好军事斗争准备以遏制破坏军民关系的消极因素。

    Fourthly , making full preparation for military struggle to resist the negative forces of damaging civil-military relations .

  14. 在这样的背景下,联合防空协同作战问题便成为我国新时期军事斗争准备的重大课题。

    In such circumstance , Joint air defense cooperative has become a major issue of Chinese military area .

  15. 加强军事斗争准备是解决台湾问题不可缺失的战略保证。

    Strengthening preparations for military struggle is a strategy for resolving the Taiwan question can not be guaranteed shortcomings .

  16. 但这与打赢信息化战争的军事斗争准备需求相比,尚存在诸多问题。

    Comparing to the demand of military struggle preparations for winning the informatization war , there are still many problems .

  17. 目的:加强基层卫勤工作的军事斗争准备,有针对性的为基层卫勤指挥干部补充军事地形学的基本知识。

    Objective : Strengthening medical services for war preparedness and supplying basic knowledge of military topography on commanders at grass roots .

  18. 拓展和深化军事斗争准备,牵引和带动现代化建设整体发展。

    The PLA has expanded and made profound preparations for military struggle , which serve as both pull and impetus to the overall development of modernization .

  19. 目前这一技术已广泛应用于大型活动组织筹划中,如运动会筹划、大型活动的组织以及军事斗争准备等诸多方面。

    This technology is now widely used in preparation and organization of large campaign , such as sports meetings , large social activities and military actions .

  20. 军事斗争准备是军队的基本实践活动,是维护和平、遏制危机、打赢战争的重要保证。

    Preparation for military struggle ( PMS ) is a basic military practice and an important guarantee for safeguarding peace , containing crises and winning wars .

  21. 在着眼打赢,加强军事斗争准备的新形势下,围绕培养新型军事医学人才,对军事医学课程结构体系进行完善就成为当务之急。

    It is urgent to improve the military medicine curriculum structure system under the new situation of enhancing military preparation and for the purpose of winning .

  22. 由于现代军事斗争准备的需要,军队要求每一名军人必须了解各种武器装备的性能,这是在作战中取胜、减少人员伤亡的必由之路。

    Modern military conflicts require that every soldier get acquainted with the performances of the varied weapons and equipments , which guarantees the victory and light casualties .

  23. 这对做好新时期军事斗争准备,加快我军航空装备保障信息化建设具有重要现实意义。

    And this has important significance to be ready to the military battle in the new period and speed up the information construction of our aviation equipment support .

  24. 希望能从理论和现实的结合上,为当前做好军事斗争准备提供服务。

    It is hoped that this thesis can supply some meaningful help , in the light of the combination of theory and practice , for the present military preparation .

  25. 以新时期军事斗争准备为牵引,改革与创新军事基础课程体系,是我院4+1模式新型军事人才对军事基础教学与训练的客观要求。

    Aimed at preparation of military struggle in the new era , it is the objective requirement for teaching and training to reform and innovate military fundamental courses system .

  26. 根据新时期军事斗争准备工作的需要,创新了我军后勤保障的观念和方法,为我军如何建立科学高效的应急作战军事物流配送方案提供了理论依据和参考。

    According to military struggle orientation , the writer tries to innovate military logistics concepts and methods to provide theoretical basis and the reference on establishing scientific and efficient logistics .

  27. 他表示,近几年,中国军队以国家核心安全需求为导向,统筹推进各个战略方向军事斗争准备。

    He added that in the past few years , China 's military has focused on core national safety needs and has made preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction .

  28. 从“早打、大打、打核战争”到打赢信息化条件下的局部战争,新时期我军军事斗争准备基点经历了三次转变。

    From fighting early , fighting extensively and fighting nuclear warfare to win local war under the condition of information , our army 's military fighting preparation Basis has underwent three times .

  29. 因此,在我国的军事斗争准备中,必须克服战争法虚无主义和迷信战争法的思想,正确看待战争法的作用。

    Therefore , in the military preparation , we should look on the role of law rightly instead of boasting the views of the law of war is nothing or is everything .

  30. 分析了国外空间力量建设现状以及我空间力量的差距与不足,指出优先发展空间力量已成为做好军事斗争准备的核心内容;

    In addition , the actualities of foreign space power build and the gap and lack of our space power will be analyzed , and developing space power firstly is thought to be the core content of preparing for warfare .