
  1. 于是我带这些航校学员离开这片危险区域,然后我和他们还有四位志愿者乘坐迷你巴士去到为军队提供给养的NAFI(全国飞行教练员协会)的大帐篷那里了。

    So I took the air cadets away from the danger area and left them in the minibus with four volunteers with me to a very large NAFI tent , a big tent which the army used for feeding .

  2. 粮食供给是军队后勤给养中的一项重要内容。汉代边塞地区军粮主要供给吏卒及其家属,也用于借贷和马、牛、驼、狗之食。

    The grain supply is very important in logistics .

  3. 要在希腊领土范围内重树政府的威信,军队必须得到给养和装备;

    It needs supplies and equipment if it is to restore authority to the government throughout Greek territory .

  4. 罗伯特·盖茨:“尽管不包括美国军队在内共有超过200万名军人,北约在情况紧急的时候却难以支持2.5万至4.5万军队的给养。”

    ROBERT GATES : " Despite more than two million troops in uniform - not counting the US military - NATO has struggled , at times , to a deployment of twenty-five thousand to forty-five thousand troops , not just in boots on the ground , but in crucial support assets . "