
  • 网络phase change memory;PCM;Pram
  1. 材料热电特性对相变存储器功耗的影响

    Effect of Thermal and Electrical Properties of Materials on the Power Consumption of Phase Change Memory

  2. 相变存储器具有读写速率快、可靠性高、微缩能力强等优点,因而被认为是最有希望替代闪存的下一代通用非易失性存储器。

    With the advantages of fast operation speed , high reliability and good scalability , phase change memory ( PCM ) is believed to be the most promising next generation nonvolatile memory .

  3. 氮掺杂Ge2Sb2Te5相变存储器的多态存储功能

    Multiple-state storage capability of nitrogen-doped Ge_2Sb_2Te_5 film for phase change memory

  4. 通过反应溅射的方法,制备了N掺杂的Ge2Sb2Te5(NGST)薄膜,用作相变存储器的存储介质。

    Nitrogen-doped Ge_2Sb_2Te_5 ( N-GST ) film for phase change memory was prepared by reactive sputtering .

  5. 相变存储器(Phasechangememory)简称PCM,是一种新型的非易失性存储器,其具有诸多优秀性能,是未来计算机应用中闪存的最佳替代品,具有不可估量的发展前景。

    Phase Change Memory , PCM for short , which has many advantages and is believed to be the best alternative to flash memory , is a new nonvolatile memory , and has a promising prospect .

  6. 研制成功了全功能相变存储器芯片。

    A full-function phase change memory chip has been successfully fabricated .

  7. 基于相变存储器的相变存储材料的研究进展

    Research Progress on Phase Change Materials for Phase Change Memory

  8. 相变存储器的高可靠性多值存储设计

    A Novel Design for Multilevel Storage and Superb Reliability in Phase-Change Memory

  9. 提出两种实现相变存储器多值存储的方法。

    Two approaches are proposed for multilevel storage based on phase change technology .

  10. 相变存储器器件单元测试系统

    Device Unit Test System on Phase Change Memory

  11. 研究结果表明,本论文研究设计的精密电流源在脉冲宽度和脉冲幅值上可精确可调,为相变存储器的测试奠定了基础。

    The results show that the width and amplitude of the precision can be precisely adjusted , which lays foundation for phase change memory measurement .

  12. 由于二极管在单元尺寸上的优势,被认为是高密度相变存储器中驱动管的不二之选。

    Diode is considered to be the best driver of high-density phase change Random Access Memory ( PCRAM ) for its advantage of the cell area .

  13. 一个可行的办法谢文东是使用硫,谢文东的东西目前正在投入使用的相变存储器技术的发展。

    One possible solution wow gold would be to use chalcogenide , the stuff currently wow gold being put to use in the development of phase-change memory technologies .

  14. 相变存储器被认为是最有希望替代现有存储器技术的下一代非挥发性存储器。

    Phase-Change Random Access Memory ( PRAM ) is regarded as the most promising candidates for the next generation nonvolatile memory which can replace the existing memory technology .

  15. 目前,研究者们更多的把关注的重点放在了新型非易失性存储器上,例如磁存储器、铁电存储器、相变存储器、电阻存储器。

    Researchers now put more focus on non-volatile memory device , such as magnetic memory device , ferroelectric memory device , phase-transition memory device , and resistance random access memory .

  16. 相变存储器是利用脉冲电流的热效应使其记录层发生具有巨大阻值差异的可逆结构相变来记录和擦除数据。

    Phase-change random access memory ( PCM ) records and erases data by utilizing the thermal effect of the pulse current to make SET or RESET operation in its recording layer with a reversible phase-change structure of giant differential resistance between two phases .

  17. 为了克服基于电荷存储的传统半导体存储器件的限制,各种新型的非易失性存储器件应运而生,其中包括相变存储器、聚合体存储器、磁存储器和电阻存储器。

    To overcome the limitations of conventional semiconductor devices , which are based on charge storage , various new nonvolatile-memory ( NVM ) devices such as phase-change , polymer , magnetic , and resistance random access memories ( ReRAM ) have been investigated .

  18. 文章系统地介绍了相变型半导体存储器的原理、相变材料、特点、器件结构设计、研究现状及面临的几个关键器件工艺问题。

    A review is presented of phase-change semiconductor memories , including their principle of operation , major advantages , device structure design , phase-change materials , current research and key fabrication techniques .