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  1. 此次埃及会谈期间,巴勒斯坦人威胁说,如果内塔尼亚胡无法继续暂停约旦河西岸的大多数定居点建设,他们将退出和平进程。内塔尼亚胡于今年初下达了暂停令,但该指令将在9月26日失效。

    The talks here convened amid Palestinian threats to walk out of the process if Prime Minister Netanyahu failed to extend the moratorium on most West Bank settlement activity he declared earlier this year and which expires September 26 .

  2. 这些20世纪初的诗歌显然令诗人们在全新的形式与表达的自由中狂欢,他们笔下的诗句有时不免陷入放纵的浪漫主义(“我是天空里的一片云,偶尔投影在你的波心”)。

    While these early-20th-century poets clearly reveled in new freedoms of form and expression , the writing sometimes veers into self-indulgent romanticism ( " I am a patch of cloud in the sky / Casting by chance a shadow on your heart " ) .