
  • 网络Initial flowering
  1. kg-1缩节胺。中芝12在高肥水条件下不宜打顶,但在一般种植条件下以初花后25d打顶效果好。

    It seemed that Zhong-zhi 12 was not suitable for tip cutting in high fertilizer condition and could be done 25 days after initial flowering in average condition .

  2. 初花期喷施多效唑对圆叶决明植株性状及光合效率的影响研究

    Effect of multi-effects triazole ( MET ) on plant characters and photosynthetic efficiency of leguminous forage in initial flowering stage

  3. 爱在冬日冷风迎面,春日初花绽放,夏日绿草如茵,秋日孤叶凋零。

    It is there in the green grass of Summer . It is there in the last leaf of Fall .

  4. ZR含量和GA含量在初花期达到了较高的水平。

    ZR and GA content reached a higher level in the early flowering .

  5. 蒜汁处理效果不及H2CN2溶液处理明显,对萌芽期和初花期提前3d。

    The effects of garlic juice treatments were not as significant as treatments of H_2CN_2 . The time of bud burst and blossom was only 3d on advance respectively .

  6. 生长旺盛期、初花期、盛花期用300-400mg/kg浓度喷施,对草莓具有显著的增产效果。

    The optimum concentration for the vigorous growth period , early florescence , and blossom period is 300-400mg / Kg .

  7. 酸性洗涤纤维含量随生育期的进程而逐渐升高,粗蛋白质含量随生育期推进而降低,各个品种初花期CP含量都达到了18%及以上,均可作为优质蛋白质饲料利用。

    Every varieties ' CP content is above 18 % in the blooming stage . So , all the varieties are used as high quality protein feed .

  8. 测定了七个品种(系)大豆样品初花期根系、下位叶和上位叶中Mn、Fe、Zn的含量。

    Seven varieties of soybean samples were taken in primary flowering period . The contents of Mn , Fe and Zn in root , lower leaf , and upper leaf were measured .

  9. 补充水分关键时期应在初花后10d开始的生殖生长集中期内。

    The key time of supplementary irrigation was the procreation stage after 10 d of flowering .

  10. 棉株倒四叶CO2同化量:初花期为常数株型的1.45倍,终花期(7月19日)为常数株型的1.31倍;

    The assimilation of CO2 in the fourth leaf from the top 1.45 times that of the latter at the early flowering stage , and 1.31 times at the ending flowering stage ;

  11. 蕾期、初花期、盛花期、吐絮期的CAT酶活性均以白色棉最高,绿色棉在前期和后期最低,棕色棉在花铃期最低。

    CAT activity of white cotton are the highest among brown cotton , green cotton , and white cotton , which green cotton lowest , in the bud stage , and boll opening stage .

  12. 净光合速率Pn在盛蕾期至初花期较大,初花期后略有下降,铃期则迅速下降;

    The net photosynthetic rate comes to the highest from full squaring stage to blooming stage , a slight decline after the early blooming stage and rapid decline in bolling stage ;

  13. 从不同时期不同部位养分吸收特点和株型变化对产量构成因素的分析得出,夏大豆最佳追肥时期为初花期至开花后10d。

    The conclusion was that the best fertilizing stage of summer soybean was from early flowering stage to 10 days after flowering .

  14. 4种高CO2浓度下,初花期根瘤比固氮活性提高10.1%~24.0%,大于鼓粒期的6.0%~13.4%的增加幅度;

    On the other hand , the specific nitrogen fixation activity based on root nodules fresh weight increased by 10.1 % ~ 24.0 % and 6.0 % ~ 13.4 % , at initial-flower . and seed filling stage .

  15. 基追比为6:4时在苗期的C/N比在2.5左右,现蕾期有较高的C/N比,初花期C/N比在0.5左右,角果成熟中期叶片C/N比在4-5之间。

    Ratio of C / N was 2.5 at seeding stage when ratio of base and supplementary was 6 to 4 , and much higher at budding stage . It got around 0.5 at early flowing and 4 to 5 in leaf at mid - maturing stage .

  16. 结果表明,叶片及叶柄中N,K含量在葡萄年生长季内的变化呈下降趋势,其中叶片N含量在初花期至盛花后第6周下降最为明显;

    The result showed that the contents of N and K in leaves and petioles decreased with the growth of grape , and the decreasing rate of N in leaves was more significant from early blooming to the sixth week after the full blooming period ;

  17. GA1+3和iPAs含量随生育进程逐渐升高,并在初花期达到峰值;

    The GA 1 + 3 and iPAs contents increased along with development , and reached its peak at the early flowering stage .

  18. 高产油菜的光合面积系数变化以LAI在初花期达最大值、盛花期略为下降、盛花后缓慢下降、花后PAI迅速增加为宜。

    Under high-yield cultivation , the changes of photosynthetic area after flowering , such as LAI got its maximum at first-flowering , and then decreased slowly , and PAI increased rapidly after first-flowering , were suitable .

  19. 初花期(7月15日)至盛花期(7月23日)棉株5cm以下土层侧根还原力高于0~5cm侧根还原力。

    The lateral root reductive activity below 5 cm soil layer was higher than that in 0-5 cm soil layer from early-bloom stage ( July 15 ) to full-blooming stage ( July 23 ) .

  20. 试验中发现,大豆品种开花至成熟期各阶段长度与它们在自然条件下出苗至初花(R1)的日数正相关。

    It was found that the durations from R1 to R8 of the pre-flowering short day indueed plants were correlated positively with the days from emergence to flowering ( R1 ) of the plants under the natural photoperiod .

  21. 以垦农4号为材料,在大田小区试验的条件下,研究在初花期叶面喷施EDTA-Mn对大豆叶片光合特性及叶绿体色素的影响。

    After spraying EDTA-Mn , photosynthesis character and chlorophyll pigment of K4 in initial bloom stage were researched in this article .

  22. 结果表明:(1)随着紫花苜蓿的不断生长,SDF含量下降而IDF含量升高,选择初花期紫花苜蓿提取膳食纤维较好。

    The results showed as follows , ( 1 ) It is better to extract DF by selecting alfalfa at the beginning of florescence , because the content of SDF declined while IDF increased with the growing of alfalfa .

  23. 通过不同时期不同部位的ALS活性测定显示其活性在初花期已经下降,至盛花期时下降到最低,而后到盛花期恢复接近对照值,其中花蕾的ALS活性下降比例大于叶片。

    Through different periods in different parts of the ALS activity assay showed its activity in the early flowering has declined , and flowering period down to the lowest , and then to return to control values of flowering buds , which the ALS activity decreased ratio greater than blade .

  24. 苜蓿在孕蕾至初花期、无芒雀麦在拔节至抽穗期AGR和RGR最高,混播降低了苜蓿的AGR和RGR值;

    The AGR and RGR of alfalfa varieties were the highest during the period from the bud stage to the early flowering stage , while the highest AGR and RGR of awnless brome ( B.inermis ) occurred during the period from the elongation to the heading stage .

  25. 她当初花时间学德文,现在得到好处了。

    The time she had spent learning German now paid dividends .

  26. 五叶期至初花期生长最为活跃,终花后渐渐衰老。

    After the end of flowering the growth of roots decreases .

  27. 盛蕾初花期深中耕高培土;

    Deep tillage and high-hilling when full-bud and first - bloom stage .

  28. 盛花期花蕾样品成胚率高,其次为初花期。末花期花蕾样品进行游离小孢子培养未获得胚状体。

    The sample buds in flourishing florescence get the highest embryo yield ;

  29. 初花和结荚期两个时期的含量较高。

    Higher isoflavones contents obtained at early flowering and budding stages . 3 .

  30. 大豆初花期施氮肥效果的研究

    The effect of nitrogen fertilizer application at flowering stage on the yield of soybean