
  • 网络Flower bamboo;Bambusa albo-lineata
  1. 花竹属&湘产竹类一新属

    Polyanthus ~ () & a new genus of the bamboo from Hunan Province

  2. 毛南族是广西特有的少数民族。花竹帽是毛南族青年男女订情的信物。

    Maonan is a peculiar minority to Guangxi . Besides , bamboo hat is a love-token between young people of Maonan Minority .

  3. 首次报道了花眉竹和融安黄竹这两种竹果的胚体类型分别为P+PP和F+PP及各自的特征,并探讨其系统分类的意义,为竹类植物的系统分类补充解剖学方面的证据。

    Huang are reported as P + PP and F + PP respectively . The systematic significance of classification has been discussed . It supplements some anatomic proof for systematics and taxonomy .

  4. 竹花的自然授粉不良,在盛花的竹株上接受不到花粉的竹花占33.3%,在部分开花的竹株上花粉自然授粉率仅10%。

    33.3 % of the flowers on the bamboo plants did not receive any pollen during flourishing period and in some individuals , the percentage of natural pollination was only 10 % .

  5. 花吊丝竹立竹构件与生物量关系的研究

    Studies on Relationship between Biomass and Modules of Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus

  6. 糙花少穗竹幼竹高生长期间生物量累积接近于对数曲线。

    The biomass accumulation in height growth phrase of young bamboo coincided with logarithm curves .

  7. 垦复对糙花少穗竹的幼竹高生长、尤其对高生长速生期影响较明显。

    Reclaimation made obvious influence on the height growth of young bamboo , especially on height fast-growing phrase .

  8. 大理市米线和饵丝中甲醛及吊白块含量检测花吊丝竹立竹构件与生物量关系的研究

    Measure of Formaldehyde and Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate in Rice Noodles in Dali City ; Studies on Relationship between Biomass and Modules of Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus

  9. 桂竹一新变型&对花竹黄槽竹一新变型是目前防治地下害虫取代高残留、剧毒农药的一种无公害的新型杀虫剂。

    RH-5849 is one of the best new form and unharmful pesticide which can be used in control of the grubs instead of those high-residual and high toxic pesticides .