
  1. 花鸟纹嵌螺钿黑漆经箱

    Black-lacquered Sutra Case Inlaid with Floral and Bird Designs in Mother-of-pearl

  2. 油漆刷出来像木纹。花鸟纹嵌螺钿黑漆经箱

    The varnish was made to imitate wood grain . Black-lacquered Sutra Case Inlaid with Floral and Bird Designs in Mother-of-pearl

  3. 唐朝植物纹样风姿卓悦,由于与西方植物纹样的融合,写实花鸟纹与团花的运用,产生丰富高雅的风格。

    Tang plant grain appearance charm with western plants due to the patterns of the fusion , realism flowers with the use of grain , create rich inn elegant style .